Given what can be done with the stomach stapling (gastric bypass) for obese people, my feeling is that this is more a matter of will than what can be done. Yes, you will lose functionality, but if you have strictures, that functionality is already gone. I did see your other thread, and saw that they are considering TPN. Please get the information from DJW, and see what your team's long term treatment plan is. Something isn't really adding up here.
My first hospital stay with crohn's, I was placed in a ward with someone who was permanently on TPN and it didn't seem to bother him at all. He could still eat a little, but did so only to be social. Food went right through him. He had a catheter up near his neck, and he plugged in a couple times a day if I remember correctly. It wasn't a continuous feed. Anyhow, DJW should be able to give you some better info on that.