Sublingual Vitamin B12 experiment

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 21, 2011
I have had a T.I resection.

My B12 level was measured at 212, and I started sub-lingual Methylcobalamin B12 at 2000mcg/day (4 drops). This form of B12 was in a stable anhydrous base.
After nearly two months of taking the sub-lingual dose the level rose to 385.

I'd say in my case the sub-lingual drops were effective, and I will continue with the current dose (to get above 500.)
I LOVE when people share self-experiments like this, thank you thank you! :) And yes, please do keep us updated. I'm very curious to see if you're able to get above 500 this way.

Was your entire TI resected?
Thanks for posting this handle!

Please, please, please keep updating this thread as i will be interested to see how you go over the longer term! I have a vested interest! :lol:

Dusty. :heart:
Yes I will. Thankyou both.

(Roughly 20cm T.I resected; rapid transit problems, normal supplements and diet ineffective with raising B12 levels.)
I'm using Pure Vegan B12 Spray (methylcobalamin 500mcg/spray).
I didn't do a blood test before starting the spray so can't say much but have noticed more energy.
Had an ileostomy since sept 2013 (after U.C. hit bottom) so unlikely I could get b12 orally and pills didn't seem to work.
P-Cobalamin (blood b12) at 565 currently (180-530). P-Methylmalonate ("MMA b12", ref. to determine b12 defic. low is good) at 0.13 (0.00-0.40).
The spray is my only source of b12 this year (vegan, no dirt on veggies).
Will post next time I do a test.