Success with high cbd tintcure

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 14, 2012
I have been using MM for 2.5 years, vaping, smoking, cooking. For the last 6 months I have been using an ethanol-based tincture containing 195 mg of THC and 360 mg of CBD. 1 ml dose contains 13 mg THC and 24 mg CBD. Since failing Remicade, and more recently Humira, this is my only drug. I have even weaned off prednisone without having a flare. I hesitate to call it remission, but I feel better than I have in years. Minor flares that I can 'treat' with higher doses of tincture, occasionally prednisone. MY weight is still low but I have recently found that only edibles give me the munchies so I am working on it.
Sounds good. But if you have been vaping and cooking all that time, why did you feel the need to pursue pursue humira and remicade? Do you think the ethanol tincture is more effective? do you take it by mouth?
This is great to hear! I'm just starting to experiment.minteslly appreciate your specifics of CBD amnt. I can get frustrated by the lack of specifics of mg of CBD/THC people are using (for replication purposes it's frustrating, and I know not everyone is as lucky as I am with my plethora of dispensaries that test, but sometimes research studies don't even say!)

I think I've "failed" humira and would rather try this before trying remicade or entvyio AND most of all, having more surgery.

Thanks for sharing.

My share: I've been taking
- 20:1 CBD:THC concentrated oil .05ml (like the size of a grain of rice or two!) 2x/day for a week. That's 27.5mg CBD and 1.5mg THC. I'm trying an 8:1 this week so same CBD but more THC.
- kind capsules - started at 1 in the evening but realized I was stoned the next day, so switched to 1/2. These are 14 CBD, 6 THC, .81 CBg and .79 CBC so I'm taking 1/2 that.
- using various topicals - my friend's dad's homemade one is the best - coconut oil and high CBD cannabis homemade. It's so great to rub on my belly as I'm flaring and/or having pouch and adhesion area pain

Also on: humira 1x/week, 9mg entocourt, low residue low FODMAPS diet
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So then, what's a girl to do in Florida? I believe CBD oil is legal for "approved" disease AND u have a Dr. That's been to specific training AND uv exhausted all other meds....
I'd consider trying to make my own. I mean weed practically grows on the side of the highway in Fl. Unsure I'd get the right strain for what I need tho. Thoughts?
Bump for the previous question to the OP

It is my understanding CBD Oil Approved states can receive shipments from out of state provided it is for medicinal purposes.

Could someone comment or PM how to best acquire said capsules or drops?

Thanks in advance
Hi M30,

If your question for me was how you can get this oil, I don't know the specifics to Utah. Looks like you can maybe ask this group/get involved to get legislation passed:

Have you considered visiting a state that has recreational MJ? It can be intimidating or weird at first, even though it is legal, but in my experience everyone has been very helpful and friendly. At dispensaries you may get the stoners who don't know much about the medical uses, but they're still friendly :yrolleyes:

It's too bad that only a few states have recreational use (it should be like Alcohol IMO), but even medicinal use given we have a condition it can help with symptoms of (and likely course of the disease).

Good luck!
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How is it going? I'm picking up some CBD oil today as well as some edibles so i can start weaning myself off the steroids as well.

Once i have the Crohn's under control, i'll have to figure out how to deal with my fistulas.