Successful Surgery Recovery 7 Weeks Out

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Aug 19, 2013
:) As a follow-up to a resection I had on September 20th, I wanted to share my success story. I had a little over two feet of my right bowel, appendix (there was a tumor), and lymph nodes removed on September 20th. I was in the hospital for six days and the recovery was painful.

I had a great surgeon who told me what to do to care for myself and I followed every bit of advice. As well, I followed people on here who discussed their recovery and it all helped. I was on the low-residue diet for about a month prior to surgery when I learned I had one blockage and another near blockage. I also continued the low-residue diet after surgery, once I could eat solids. After surgery, even though my surgeon said I could eat whatever I wanted, I took it easy at first, having only broth and Jell-O. Even those little bits of food made me feel terrible at first, causing nausea and pain.

After about four weeks of the BRAT diet, I was growing frustrated I was not going to be normal again. As well, the pain was terrible and I was on pain-killers, which caused constipation vs. the diarrhea most people will encounter. I had to start Miralax, but before it worked, I spent many a nights pacing my kitchen floor in pain that caused me to moan. I could not sit still, but I could not take more pain meds, since it was not time. I would cry to my husband I was so tired of the pain, laying in bed, and watching TV.

About five weeks after surgery, I woke up one day and felt fantastic! It was as of my body had healed. I moved from 30% feeling good to 60% feeling good in one day and every day since I have gotten better.

I now eat anything I want with caution. I have not eaten raw fruits or vegetables yet, but I have worked in nearly steamed items and I have not experienced any stomach pains. My bowel movements are actually normal, which is quite incredible. I read information from the Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, and another clinic from Austrailia and they said do not take anti-diarrhea medication and to introduce foods slowly and your bowels will adjust. I have been doing that and it is true, you will find what you can or cannot eat and a near normal diet is possible.

I wanted to share a success story. I am going to have more tests in January to ensure my Crohn's is in remission and my surgeon claims it is statistically likely I will have to have another surgery, hopefully not before 10 years from now, but for now I am feeling great! I hope this brings encouragement to someone else, who like me was frightened and so sick. :):)

Congratulations Mimzim! That's wonderful news to hear. I hope you have a very long and healthy remission. :D
It is so good to hear such positive news and the best part---that you are feeling well again
Keep it up----and thank you for sharing.
It will give some hope to others facing similar situations.

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