Sue doctor who misdiagnosed Crohn's Disease

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Jul 4, 2010
Hi folks. I am new to the forum.

I was officially diagnosed with Crohn's on September 4th, 2010.

I met with a surgeon yesterday and was told that I need surgery. There is plenty of evidence of a fistula being found, even though it has not been spotted on any scans. My small bowel series - I set the all time speed record for the barium pass through to my colon - 15 minutes. The surgeon checked my bowels (by poking them) and wanted to know how long I have had this mass. Besides my new G.I. doc, I have never had anyone tell me it was a mass. He scared the &*(*&% out of me.

I have now been told this should have been found years ago. My surgeon says the mass is about the size of a small grapefruit. He has assured me this is a Crohn's related mass and the chance of it being cancerous is "next to none". Anyway, I need surgery. It will involve parts of the small intestine and possibly part of the colon.

Four years ago I had my first severe abdominal pain and cramps. When that flare was going on I had 6 visits to the ER, and before those a visit to the Instacare. At that time I did not have a primary doc. The instacare doc referred my to a Gastroenterologist. Before I could get in to see him I had my 6 ER visits (all to the local hospital and not where the G.I. doc is located.) This G.I. doc scheduled a colonoscopy. Nothing was found. He did some blood tests and told me I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I got told to eat more fibre and was sent on my way. He did nothing to check out my small intestine or any of the upper G.I. stuff. NOTHING! I spent the last 4 years thinking this was IBS. Since then I have got a primary physician.

Last Fathers Day I had a flare up and ended in the ER. This ER doc did something no doc has done before. He ordered X-Rays and then a CT scan of my abdomen. He also ordered some blood tests. As a result of the tests he told me that I have Crohn's disease. He recommended two different G.I. docs said he wanted to have me see one of them in 2 days. My co-workers wife is the head of nursing at the ER. I asked her who she would recommend and she gave me the same 2 names. So I picked the one I could get into see earliest.

My new G.I. doc has now confirmed the Crohn's diagnosis and has sent me to the surgeon.

I would like to know what to expect from the surgery. I was told I would spend 5-7 days in the hospital and would be out of commission for at least 6 weeks. I am 47 years old and in otherwise good health.

I also would like your opinion on suing the G.I. doc from 4 years ago. He did not do all the tests that should have been done. Both my surgeon and my primary doc have expressed their dismay that he did not do a CT scan or any upper G.I. work.
Hey Doug, good luck with the surgery!! I'm not sure how far you'll get suing over something the doc didn't do but it can't hurt to talk to a lawyer I suppose.
Hi Doug,

Sorry, I have no idea about the suing question.

As to the surgery, Roo was in hospital for 6 days and she was in very bad shape pre surgery. You certainly will not be released before you have had your bowels open and this generally occurs day 4 or 5. The 6 weeks they have told you is the standard for anyone that has major abdominal surgery.

Dusty. :)
Just wanted to say welcome and good luck with your surgery! Please keep us posted with your progress.

- Amy
There was a case in the papers here (UK) the other day, where a man successfully sued his doctors because the doc failed to spot a brain tumour that clearly showed up on a scan. So it would definately be worth looking into.

But now I am worried since the case in the papers involved my hospital....
I have had surgery twice and possibly a 3rd down the road. My first one was laproscopic but if they are removing a mass, that may not happen to be laproscopically done. Ask what kind of procedure. The other is ask how they manage the pain, you can get and epidural or morphine. Will there be staples or stitches, both mine where stitching. Good thing you are in good health too, because the bigger or more fat you have on your tummy, the more they have to dig, and that is more painful.

You will feel better within a few weeks, and if you go it slow and drink ensures more than food it can heal faster. Just my opinions from my experience. My first resection was good for 7 years, should of been longer but I was in denial...Good luck , hope it all goes well and please keep us updated when you can! Any questions just ask!!
Sue a Doctor! Good Luck!

Good Luck suing the will need one or more doctors to come forward and testify that the doctor was negligent....doctors tend to protect one and other... also, each doctor that you ask to testify will require at least a $5,000 fee to appear in court.... be ready for $10-15,000 per doctor with no assurance that their testimony will result in any positive results.....

In terms of the surgery, have you been on any CD meds? are you certain surgery is required? how many opinions have you gotten?:stinks::stinks::stinks:
I am just really pissed at the old G.I. My current G.I. and my surgeon both think it is necessary. So do I. The mass is the size of a grapefruit. I can feel it with my hands. Also, the small bowel series I had.... The barium passed into the colon in 15 minutes. There is a fistula that is bypassing most of the small intestine. Explains why I can eat peas and corn and within a couple of hours have them show up (undigested) in my excrement. That definitely needs to be fixed. I have been on Cipro and Flagyl, and both have seem to close up the fistula, but as soon as I go off them it opens up again. Yes, I am sure I need the surgery.
Hey Dougute welcome,I had my surgery July 29 on a Thur, 20" small intestine removed open surgery,went home on Sat,went back to work Aug 16 office type work,if your are a carpenter or heavy work it might be 8 weeks, well like I said I had open surgery they cut all the tummy muscle,all start playing golf again in Oct. My surgeon told me 8 weeks to heal 90% a year for 100% .The whole thing just was not that bad and so far all is good.Oh everybody asks me this how long till you ate solid food,surgery on Thur morning,roast beef sandwich for lunch on Friday.
Hey Dougute welcome,I had my surgery July 29 on a Thur, 20" small intestine removed open surgery,went home on Sat,went back to work Aug 16 office type work,if your are a carpenter or heavy work it might be 8 weeks, well like I said I had open surgery they cut all the tummy muscle,all start playing golf again in Oct. My surgeon told me 8 weeks to heal 90% a year for 100% .The whole thing just was not that bad and so far all is good.Oh everybody asks me this how long till you ate solid food,surgery on Thur morning,roast beef sandwich for lunch on Friday.

Glad to see you are doing well...there is hope for me cause I miss golfing.. nice to hear from you~:thumleft:
I have had surgery twice and possibly a 3rd down the road. My first one was laproscopic but if they are removing a mass, that may not happen to be laproscopically done. Ask what kind of procedure. The other is ask how they manage the pain, you can get and epidural or morphine. Will there be staples or stitches, both mine where stitching. Good thing you are in good health too, because the bigger or more fat you have on your tummy, the more they have to dig, and that is more painful.

You will feel better within a few weeks, and if you go it slow and drink ensures more than food it can heal faster. Just my opinions from my experience. My first resection was good for 7 years, should of been longer but I was in denial...Good luck , hope it all goes well and please keep us updated when you can! Any questions just ask!!


Thanks for this advice. When he told me the surgery needed to be done I did not even think of asking these questions. I have an appointment with the surgeon one week before the surgery. I will make sure I get these questions answered.

Although I did not ask, I know it will not be a laproscopic surgery. The mass is the size of a small grapefruit. The tests indicate a fistula exists (the barium passed to the colon in 15 minutes!) but they flouroscope and the CT scan both do not show exactly where it is. So a exploratory is needed to find the fistula. Maybe its just hiding behind this crohn's mass that needs to be removed.

In some ways I wish the surgery was today, but in other ways I'm glad I have a month to get use to the idea.
Hi Doug

I can relate to being pissed at a doctor. Sometimes is makes a guy just wanna knock one on his butt and then ask ......."On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your pain?"

Hope your surgery goes well and they get you sorted out.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle the wait between now and the surgery date (October 12th). I keep thinking about this Crohn's stuff and getting nervous. I wish the surgery was tomorrow so I could get the waiting over with!

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