Superior Court of Los Angeles "Finds" Cure for Crohn's!

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Oct 25, 2011
I've got great news! We control our fate!

Former Family Court commissioner Nori Anne Walla of the Los Angeles Superior Court's Northeast District, after a two year trial, finds that Crohn's can be controlled by lifestyle adjustments!

So what lifestyle adjustment are you going to make to control your Crohn's?
Wow it's a Christmas Miracle.

I think the lifestyle adjustment I'll make is catching the first plane to Los Angeles and giving Ms. Nori Anne Walla a swift kick in the arse.....
I don't understand - was this in the news? Anybody have a link to this story?

No it wasn't in the news. It was in a trial my ex- started to modify child and spousal support. In issuing her Memorandum of decision, the Commissioner wrote that my Crohn's disease is something that I can control. (My medical history says otherwise but I digress)

It was strange for this commissioner to imply that Crohn's is self-inflicted; but her comment about lifestyle adjustment was beyond strange as I have never been accused of having bad lifestyle habits.

Her opinion, albeit without substantiation, was clear. We're no different than a smoker with lung disease, a drug addict with hepatitis or HIV, or a drinker with cirrhosis of the liver. Our lifestyle got us into this mess and we need to make adjustments.
Ignorance and indifference extends to the superior court then. A lack of education can't be used as an excuse in this circumstance so shame on you commissioner Nori Anne Walla, you of all people should know to get your facts straight before casting judgement. :nonono:

Dusty. :mad2:
@ DustyKat I see we are both semicolons. I had my right hemicolectomy just before I met my ex-. I was in remission for several years and thought I would be one of the lucky ones. I honestly think she got scared when my Crohn's came back. I think she was afraid she'd have to take care of me when she expected me to take care of her. You are so right about education. That is one of my problems with Crohn's Colitis Foundation. I wish they would educate the public like cancer, diabetes, and r.a. organizations have done. We live in a society where thin is associated with health and beauty; how can we expect them to understand how we fear sudden weight loss? People need to be educated that there is so much more to the disease than the external manifestations that people see.

P.S. Dusty, you look like my 16 year old daughter's twin sister.

@ Ekaj I don't know her email address. The motivation behind my bringing this up is not about revenge at Commissioner Walla. True, she is an ignorant woman who should not be on the bench but, like I said to DustyKat, we need to push for more public education about our disease. You know, and I know, we are incredibly tough because we have no choice. If you are like me, we hide it too well. So many people don't know I am almost constantly in pain. I'd guess that your average Joe (or Josephine) has no clue how much we can hide. That, more than Commissioner Walla, is the problem.
@ Ekaj I don't know her email address. The motivation behind my bringing this up is not about revenge at Commissioner Walla. True, she is an ignorant woman who should not be on the bench but, like I said to DustyKat, we need to push for more public education about our disease. You know, and I know, we are incredibly tough because we have no choice. If you are like me, we hide it too well. So many people don't know I am almost constantly in pain. I'd guess that your average Joe (or Josephine) has no clue how much we can hide. That, more than Commissioner Walla, is the problem.

It's not about revenge. Education is exactly the problem. She obviously doesn't understand what Crohn's is and what it means.
precedent in law is not a good thing for something like this. she defiantly needs some education on the subject.
@Slugger, So sorry, I need to clarify a couple of things...:redface:...I don't have Crohn's, my children do but they are both semicolons! :lol:. Also that isn't me in the avatar, it is my daughter. :)

I think what really gets my back up about the judges comments is she is an educated woman with the means at her disposal to educate herself about Crohn's disease. A simple google search will provide respectable articles that fully explain all aspects of CD and would it would only consume a few minutes of her precious time to read but one of them. To choose not to do so is remiss and thoughtless.

Dusty. xxx
Hi Dusty!

You are right about the Commissioner. Unfortunately, many people have prejudices against people with hidden disabilities but it is totally inappropriate for a judge.

Thats it...I've gotten very very good at aiming with my bag!!!

But of COURSE I can be CURED!!!!!!!!!!
A couple things.
1) Is there a link?
2) I disagree that UC can be cured. They removed the colon, but it didn't cure me. It just removed the affected portion. I still have the autoimmune disorder; should I procreate I will still pass on the genetic predisposition. I've already had it flare in the rectal stump. At most what they can do is provide long term almost permanent remission.

Former Family Court commissioner Nori Anne Walla of the Los Angeles Superior Court's Northeast District, after a two year trial, finds that Crohn's can be controlled by lifestyle adjustments!

Wow, why didn't any of us think of that??? Here all we needed was advice from some government employee and we all could have been cured!

This must mean Santa Claus and the Easter bunny are real. I think I just saw a unicorn, too....:ybatty:
A couple things.
1) Is there a link?
2) I disagree that UC can be cured. They removed the colon, but it didn't cure me. It just removed the affected portion. I still have the autoimmune disorder; should I procreate I will still pass on the genetic predisposition. I've already had it flare in the rectal stump. At most what they can do is provide long term almost permanent remission.

Just going by a specialist surgeon in Bowel and bowel cancer.
My husband just reminded me also too that first step is you have to be 100% sure of UC diagnosis, once you remove the colon it is gone and Crohns can be in the colon and can be misdiagnosed as colitis. It doesn't come back. But hey it was what we were told, no way am I going to argue with you. I see your point being taken.
Hey Slugger. I am so sorry to hear you have such a pinhead for a commissioner involved in such an important issue as a child custody case... if it wasn't so sad the idea of such stupidity would be hilarious.

And I totally agree with you...more education and support is needed. Last year the Canadian Foundation was proud to claim that they had raised almost 6 million dollars in fundraising events in the past FIVE years... that is almost as much as the Cancaer foundations raise in LESS than a year... not sure if the US Crohns foundation raises the same or more... but I am sure it is just as pathetic... definitely more public awareness is needed... even if it just helps others to understand.

Squishy cyber hugs to you, and hope your commissioner gets an "education" soon.....
Hey Silver, yes the Americans to raise alot. We had the "heel n" wheel" but they just changed it recently to the "Gutsy Walk". One thing about the Crohns and colitis foundation is it is non profit and only 16% goes to Admin cost, and little else, most goes for research. Others are up to 50% admin, therefore alot of jobs would be lost.

I just want a cure but what happens to this forum if there is a cure...I would miss everyone!
I definitely think this is a job for the Americans with Disabilities Act, and/or the ACLU. It's frightening to think the precedents that witch has set with your ruling, not just for those with Crohn's or UC, but as was said previously, those with HIV, Lupus, MS, or any other disease of the immune system. She needs to be shut down. It has nothing to do with revenge;it's about not letting her do this to someone else.
I agree with Outlier that it would be really unfortunate if some atty or judge in the future uses her decision as a precedent for future decisions.

Sluggger, was the outcome of your support trial negatively affected by that part of the decision? Will you need to appeal based on her unsupported, non-scientific reasoning?

(Forgive me for prying and I understand if you don't want to share details.).

- Amy

Hi Amy! Thanks for being so sensitive and considerate. I think there are a lot of good people on this forum. Maybe we wouldn't be here if we weren't so inclined to take interest in others.

Yes, I agree that the ruling should not be allowed to stand. It was unjust and it impacted me and my daughters greatly. I went from being current to owing a $10,000 retroactive child support bill over night!

My ex- objected because she wants everything now. So that matter is still before the court dealing with clarification of issues. Once this is done and the final order is filed, a motion for new trial can be made.

Needless to say, the motion for retrial is already written and ready to file. I hope the retrial is granted so we don't have to appeal because I really can't afford an appeal unless some organization takes interest in this.

But I am not giving up either. I found a case where the court of appeals found that the trial judge's comments (that pregnancy was a matter of choice) would make a reasonable person doubt that a fair and unbiased trial was possible. (if interested, Google Melinda Pemberton Geisness)

From my perch, if pregnancy is not something one does by choice, certainly Crohn's is not either.

So I have contacted the Christian Legal Aid Office in Santa Ana as well as Merritt L. McKeon (the attorney) who handled that appeal asking for help but I have not heard back. They tend to represent women so that may be a problem. Of course, if any of you wanted to (hint hint wink wink) help me convince them I'm sure they can be easily found on the Internet. ;-)

is it possible this stupid nori ann walla could write an article for the Lancet? there's so many people working in gastroenterology, with their phd's, and all they need do is find out from the silly cow in america what exactly the lifestyle changes are! i NEED to know, like now, today actually. i'm sure docs the world over need the advice of this woman who has the miracle cure.
I just want to say how sorry I am you are going through this, and how disgusting it is that lawyers and judges pull this garbage. Some people see the end of a marriage as a financial opportunity. I hope you get justice, and best wishes for better days and better health ahead.
Slugger, i think the pharmaceutical companies could afford to help you, and its good advertising for them. do you have a gastro with a phd? couldn't he/she help. is it possible we could all set up a petition with some of the clips on here? the silly woman needs sorting. i wouldn't mind if she got diagnosed with crohns and had to make those lifestyle changes, she'd soon find there doesn't seem to be any effect with lifestyle changes. it does require the medical world to put her in her place.

good luck slugger. we're on your side
I'm guessing that's why her title begins with "former." :p

I'd send your case to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America and have them bitch slap the judge with their mighty words and news press. They got on Fox News' case for their "informative" IBD blunder.
@ Spooky Yes my gastroenterologist has a PhD and MD. I recently filed a declaration, which is a statement under oath, by my doctor. I also just received word today from my doctor that she received a copy of the report from the doctor reviewing my disability claim and that it was very, very strongly in my favor. Both doctors, in fact, wrote that my ability to "hide" my disease when I should not even be functioning is exceptional.
I'm making headway and I've got to keep the pressure on.

The judge has been reassigned to traffic court but her decisions that impact my daughters and me are still in effect. In other words, I still have a lot to do.

I will not be the last person to be in family court with Crohn's disease. We're fools if we think judges are going to be educated about our disease if we do nothing.

I can get a new and fair trial. These judges talk to each other. They don't like public controversy. We educate one, we've educated others.

Please take a few minutes to write my new judge and tell her what you think about Commissioner Walla's writing that Crohn's can be controlled by lifestyle adjustment.

You don't need to mention names, a case number or anything else. If you just write about Commissioner Walla, Crohn's, and lifestyle adjustment, the judge will know. Believe me. She will know.

The only thing I ask. Please! Please be civil. We are trying to educate.

Here's her info:

Honorable Dianna Gould-Saltman
Department K
Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles
300 East Walnut Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91101



Her name and address is:
Why is it that I am not surprised by this ignorance??

It is the same ignorance that gives credence to the idea that if we don't teach our kids about sex, they won't have it. And what exactly are the changes that I need to make? Everything I have done at this point hasn't really done much to help. In fact, I am flaring almost constantly, and have been since '09. In spite of all of the changes I have made, including eating almost entirely organic food...

Thank god she has been booted to traffic, sadly her ignorance is probably hurting people there too..
As a law student this makes me actually ashamed of the justice system. Obviously this woman has forgotten how google works.
It makes me sad. I started to keep a log and, yesterday, I had to change my bandages (over my abdominal fistulas) 29 times. That doesn't include the four showers I took because the flow was so extreme or the three loads of laundry.

I hate this disease. I hate the way we are treated. I understand it's disgusting to the average "Joe" but Crohn's is NOT a disease we got because of our lifestyle.

I've never been arrested. I never cheated on my (now ex-) wife. I never abused my children. I'm a good son and brother. I don't do drugs. I pay more attention to my diet than anyone I know. I have a perfect driving record. I pay my taxes. I've never taken a cent of public money. I go to mass at least twice a week. Yadda..yadda. yadda...

My lifestyle has nothing to do with itl

We need to educate the public but we can't do it preaching to the choir.

No it wasn't in the news. It was in a trial my ex- started to modify child and spousal support. In issuing her Memorandum of decision, the Commissioner wrote that my Crohn's disease is something that I can control. (My medical history says otherwise but I digress)

It was strange for this commissioner to imply that Crohn's is self-inflicted; but her comment about lifestyle adjustment was beyond strange as I have never been accused of having bad lifestyle habits.

Her opinion, albeit without substantiation, was clear. We're no different than a smoker with lung disease, a drug addict with hepatitis or HIV, or a drinker with cirrhosis of the liver. Our lifestyle got us into this mess and we need to make adjustments.

You know what is even more disgusting is that the smoker, the drug addict, and the drunk can get disability so much easier than we can.

I say we all take our bedside commodes and set them up in her court room and show he just how much control we have.
...I've never taken a cent of public money....

How does this make you less of a person??

I go to mass at least twice a week.

How does this make you more of a person??

Could you clarify please?? I am on Medicare, and I don't believe in Christianity either. Does this make you a better person than me?

I also agree that it is very tough to get Disability. I spent 2 years fighting for mine, and in that time I was unable to get any assistance because my wife made too much money for Medicade. This left me unable to get medical treatment for the 2 years in the interim. Needless to say, my condition is much worse now.
It would seem that you don't respect my differences. Maybe you could answer the question...?

You seem to have the opinion that someone is less of a person by taking public assistance. How is that so?

I won't even touch the flaws with religion... Going to church does not make you better than those who don't.

Honestly, I find those comments offensive.

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