Supplements - What Do you take?

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Jun 14, 2011
Hi everyone,

I tried to post this in the general discussion but wasn't getting any response, perhaps in the treatment section???

My son has just ended a six-week enteral therapy and is currently reintroducing foods. His prescribed course of treatment is maintenance enteral therapy for a year and Nexium, an antacid. The only supplement we have been advised to add to his diet has been vitamin D.

Overall, he has responded very well to the therapy and for 95% of the time, 100% of his symptoms have gone. The 5% has been two occasions where his BMs have included mucus and some blood (the first time did not seem to create any concern with his GI - response was that this intestines were still healing and, as long as all else was good, he wasn't concerned). Now the mucus/blood appeared again yesterday - I'm hoping it's just a 'blip' as his body is adjusting to the reintro of foods. But, in my opinion, it does indicate some inflammation.

So, 'blip' or not, I'd like to do all I can to reduce/eliminate inflammation from his body. I have read that so many of you take supplements - not just vitamins, but all types of supplemental treatments that have helped you.

I'm thinking things like vitamins, minerals, I've seen people mentioned phsyllium (spelling???) husks, coconut oil and water, fish oil, anti-inflammatory foods, amoung many others.

I'd like to compile a list of 'supplement' info. If you'd like to respond, let me know:

what you take and amount
why you take it (benefits that you've seen or hope to see)
any negative side effects you have encountered and/or what hasn't worked

I will take all the info and put it together in a summary and post it for everyone.

I think having all this info in one spot would help me immensely in trying to help my son and will hopefully provide everyone with a source of info regarding alternative options and ideas to add to their current medicinal treatments.

Thanks for your help.
Hi Tess,

I think the Diet and Fitness section is where you will find the most information about supplements and will most likely get the most responses.

I think Sarah takes her supplements more as a result of her being Vegan than anything else. Having said that I do believe that what she does take is also beneficial to her management of Crohns.
Calcium/Vitamin D -She uses this as a combination as Vitamin D is required to absorb calcium. I know many people here use Vit D in higher doses than Sarah would as there is quite a bit of research that seems to point to Vit D being beneficial in countering the effects of Crohns.
Flaxseed Oil-Sarah uses this as an anti-inflammatory due to being Vegan.
Folic Acid and Iron-She takes these due to the both the removal of her terminal ileum and because of her diet.
B12 Injections-Because of the removal of her terminal ileum.
Natural Pysllium Husks-Sarah uses this for her short bowel syndrome. It absorbs bile salts.

I have not started Matt on supplements as yet but when the time comes I will most likely commence with Vit D and Krill Oil. I have researched Krill v's Fish oil as an anti-inflammatory and in my own mind I believe Krill to be the superior product.

I'm sorry but I do not now the amounts of supplement that Sarah takes.

Dusty. :)
Hi DustyKat,

Thanks for your suggestion - have reposted in Diet & Fitness.

Wondering what your opinion is on something... (forgot to mention in my post that my son was also advised to take calcium supplements). I'm just slightly questioning calcium supplements because there was recently some news that calcium supplements taken over a long period can contribute to heart disease.

When I was a child, I was diagnosed with juvenile osteoporosis, treated and no longer an issue. As a young adult (a NUMBER of years back... LOL), my GP once suggested that I follow up with a specialist (not sure the type of specialist now, maybe osteo??) to identify any possible future issues. At that meeting, the specialist recommended that I take calcium supplements but suggested that instead of purchasing 'calcium supplements' that I take 3 TUMS(antacid) daily, he said he preferred them and they were much less expensive.

As my son also takes Nexium daily, I'm wondering if I could replace both the Nexium and calcium supplement with 3 TUMS daily.

Didn't think of this at my son's last appointment and his next is not for another 7 weeks. Not really a big deal to wait 7 weeks to ask GI, but just curious...

Supplements I take:
Boswellia- 1000mg a day for inflammation
Vit. D- when needed. I live in plenty of sunshine.
Super B Complex- Stress management, deficiencies, and energy
Serrapepatase - as needed for pain
Cod liver oil- for inflammation
Probiotics- balance my gut flora
Vitamin C- Immune support
and others!!!!

Wondering what your opinion is on something... (forgot to mention in my post that my son was also advised to take calcium supplements). I'm just slightly questioning calcium supplements because there was recently some news that calcium supplements taken over a long period can contribute to heart disease.

I would imagine most people here taking calcium would do so because they have taken Prednisone. Steroids are renowned for robbing the bones of calcium so are advised to take a calcium supplement to counteract the effects whilst taking them. I don't remember your son being on Prednisone so I don't know why that recommendation was made.

Calcium used under these circumstances would far outweigh any issues with heart disease. Also the supplementation is usually only for a limited time anyway. Sarah's use is due to her being a Vegan. The switch to this type of diet for her has been so beneficial that I guess somewhere along the line the trade off's become worth it.

Dusty. xxx
Hi DustyKat,

No he hasn't taken Prednisone. The dietician who works in the hospital's IBD clinic recommended the calcium because she felt that even drinking, on average, 2+ cups of milk a day, this will not give him the recommended amount of calcium.

My aunt has crohns, I believe its fairly severe (not in close contact with her - language barrier...), has a very limited diet and cannot even tolerate vitamins without risking a flare.

Knowing this, I'm torn... He's done so well, I want him to continue to do as well as he has so far on Tolerex and Nexium alone and am afraid to mix too many new things (supplements) into what's currently working. However, I believe he must still has some inflammation (occurrances of mucus/blood) so I'd also like to make sure that he is receiving the nutrients he needs as well as healthy anti-inflammatories (ie supplements).

Hence, wanting to combine the antacid and calcium into one 'supplement' rather than two.

I'm probably over-thinking this way too much, eh?:ybatty:

I thought I was having a de ja vous experience:ybatty:. Just responded to this post in a different section. This one seems to have more posts so I'll repeat:

I take psyllium, fish oil, probiotics (still experimenting) and a Chinese herbal formula. I am not sure if the probiotics are helping or not. I think I need to give them some more time. Not sure about the effectiveness of fish oil but it's good for you so, seems like a no brainer.
A huge multivitamin
Krill oil (it's just a kind of fish oil)
probiotic capsule
Vitamin D 5000 micro things, it's a lot

The vitamins are chewable which are supposed to absorb better
I only take a Calcium supplement at present. But I read that a few people have really benefited from Boswellia, even over conventional medicines (mesalazine). Is it worth taking as a supplement? Any side effects or interactions (can I take it in conjunction with mesalazine)? Mizgarnet, do you feel that it has helped you?