Support Chat tonight

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mama Crohnie
Apr 19, 2006
Hi everyone, just a reminder for our first chat session tonight... from 7pm until 10pm EST. Please remind all your friends.
The chat room works as follows, you must have Java in order to chat.
Under your name, it will say Profile...just type something about yourself (anything) then click on chat. While in there, you can chat privately...or mingle amongst the rest. If there are any other questions, please feel free to email me.

NOTE: The chat room is available anytime!

Thank you, and I will see you all tonight. :)
Chat Moderator ~ Cookey
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I hope everyone has a chance to at least pop in for a bit just to say hello. Even if things are a bit quiet for a while, just be patient as others will come. Looking forward to seeing you all there :)
Is it ladies night in the chat room tonight? Ladies drink free?!??!

I should be able to stop by in the later part of it. It's my Mom's brithday today so I'll be over my parents for most of the night. So save me a seat and a nice cold drink.
Chat tonight was TERRIFIC!!! I hope everybody that missed it will get to be there next time. We had a lot of fun and a lot of laughs and got to "meet" each other in "person", so to speak. Thanks to everybody who showed up! I loved it!

Deb, you rock, sistah friend!
I wanted to Thank everyone for coming out to the chat tonight. It really meant a lot to me, and I got to meet some really great people. I hope we will have another successful evening like this one real soon.
Take care're all the best.
((( )))
It was really great to get to use my poor little chat room, and Mike I have told you probably 5/6 times now one more time wont hurt. Thank you!!
Hugs to all, please stay well.
I'm really hoping for a great turnout tonight, for our second chat. Please be there. We will have fun, getting to know our newest members, as well as learning about each other a little bit more. Don't forget, chat starts at 7pm/until 9pm EST. See you all there. A wonderful day to you all.

Chat Moderator ~ Cookey
Thank you to Tami for keeping me company on Monday night for our not so good turnout for a chat session. Mike a big Thank you to you as well, for stopping in. Since the chat room meetings are not going over as well as we had hoped, I will cut it down to once a week. Every Monday..from 7pm until 9pm EST we will have a support meeting. If this works for everyone, please let me know. I tried to work on Trivia chats for Sunday, starting May 7th, but the program I was working on is not compatable with Bravenet. Thank you to all of you, and I hope to chat with you real soon.
Chat moderator ~ Cookey
Hi Everyone, I'm back. It's been a pretty crazy week for me. Anyways, hope you are all feeling well. I'm sorry I wasnt able to attend the chat sessions, I do hope they went over well. Let's all try to attend next weeks meeting, I have been away so long, that I don't know who is who..and would love to meet all newcomers who have joined in the past few weeks.
Thank you
Stay well and safe.
aww cookey havent you been well????? i cant say that i have made the chat sessions myself cause i can never remember then and plus they r on while im at work so i cant make most of them.

All the best hun

Don't forget our chat guys...lets do it okay?

Aww I'm fine Kate honey, and Thank you for your concern. I lost my computer for a week, as it was in the shop being upgraded. In the same week my car was stolen, so I was pretty busy with all of that nonsense. How are you feeling hun? I hope well. I'm sorry you can't make our chats, I would love to chat with you sometime. Tonights session starts at 7p.m until 9p.m.EST. If you want to, maybe you can remind your friends of that. Much love hun.

Mama Chronie
Chat Mod - Cookey