Suspect of CD for my 8 years old son

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Apr 24, 2011
Suspect of Crohn's Desease -CD for my 8 years old son

Hello All.
Since a year and a half my 8 years old son has now and then sore perianal skin, fissures and severe bleeding out of them.
Until now we thought it's due to constipation. We've been to proctologyst who said these things happen.
But since Jan we did well with the bowel movement and with the hygene - and - what a horror to see three days ago the toilet full of blood and he bleeding again. He feels no pain.
So we went to a surgeon and explained it happens already for the third time- opening the old, and appeaing new fisures, and this severe bleeding out of them... and sore perianal skin almost on weekly basis. And that we have no idea the reason for this situation.
He said we should go for Crohn's Desease tests.
I am so worried, especially because of what I've read about Perianal CD, it seems the same. And have no alternative thoughts.
I am trying to stop his bleeding now.

Thank you for your time in reading my story.
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Hi Prisma and :welcome:

I'm so sorry to hear about your boy and that you have had to find your way here, :( . However this is a wonderful place for support and info so welcome aboard!

We all understand your fear and concerns and no one want's to hear their child has Crohns but at least a diagnosis, whatever it may be, gives you the opportunity to find answers, relief for your son from his symptoms and the ability to tackle things head on.

It's good you have found a surgeon that seems to be on the ball and with Perianal disease you may very well need one, although there are medications available that perianal disease responds well too. Is the surgeon a colorectal surgeon?

I would suggest that if your son does have CD then find yourself a good paediatric gastroenterologist. The need for surgery is only one part of the puzzle and your son will require ongoing care for CD. Surgeons are great at what they do but GI's are the one that have better idea of treating CD in the long term.

Perhaps you would like to repost this in the Your Story Forum as well as more members will see it there and will be able to welcome you to the forum and give advice about their own experiences.

So where do you go from here? Has any further testing been organised?

Good luck and keep us posted!

Take care, :hug:
Dusty. xxx
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Thank you Dusty, very much.
We will contact a paediatric GI and see what he would suggest in respect to tests as to confirm or reject Crohns. Here the GI clinic shoud do the colorectal surgery tersting. Then we await solution on the treatment acc. to to the test results.
I wish the problem could be sometihng else, but I agree that knowledge of the reason and its treatment are better needed.
I was already wondering in the last few months how we could go on like this with my boy growing older - me, frustrated looking carefully everyday his bottom, whenever some fissures or skin irritation appear applying some cremes, not knowing if they are OK to be applied, if they work at all, what happens, why and when next we will again have troubles...
I will be here in this forum, becase I need support, understanding and advices.
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It's so hard living day by day and not knowing why things are happening. It may be an idea to keep a diary so you can keep a track of where you are at, I found it too easy to forget the small things when I was dealing with all the time. We have suggestions in our wiki forum, perhaps it may give you some ideas of what to keep a track of...

Keep us posted on how you go and what they suggest and no doubt we will happily give you our take on things, ;).

Dusty. :hug:
Hi Prisma

I am glad you found the forum. I wish you the best of luck. There are a lot of great people here who can help with your questions and who can relate as they also have children with this disease.
Take care :)
Welcome Prisma! They do get a little bashful about the looks and questions but eventually I think they just realize we're only doing it to help. When they figure out what is going on with him, they'll get it sorted. It may take some time during which I'm sure you'll continue to have your looks but soon enough you won't feel the need to look as often! Life does return to a semblance of normal though it will be forever altered!!
Тhank you, to all of you. You make this place warm and peaceful.
I still hope to escape from this diagnosis.
It came as a possible cause only 2-3 days ago and here we have Easter holidays. So, apart from searching the web, no more can be done from my side now.
I will write again.
Thank you for all your support and welcome!
A pediatric GI doc will get to the bottom of it. We tried with our regular ped for 3 years and finally found it with the GI specialist.

Best of luck to you and your boy.
Best Wishes Prisma, wishing you a quick diagnosis for your child. it is very hard to mentally deal with a sick child but with lots of support from the members here, you will have a place to come to.

welcome to a wonderful community.
** Phyllis
Welcome to this great forum. With people here that understand you never feel alone. My son was 7 when he started to have blood in his stool. I remember what it felt like as a parent.
We still don't have a confirmed crohns diagnosis although they do think it's IBD. Goodluck finding an answer.
Prisma - We are glad you are here. It is a lot to take in.....keep us posted on how he is doing. I agree with Dusty, as we all often do :ysmile:, that a pediatric gastroenterologist is important if the diagnosis is confirmed.

Hugs to you and your son,

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