Swollen tonsis & uvula & sore throat since 05/2011

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Jul 12, 2012
I've had swollen tonsils, uvula, and sore throat since May 2011. The glands in my neck just below the jaw bone have been swelling on and off since childhood. The right gland is usually larger and swells more frequently than the right gland.

Coud this be an EIM? My primary doc cannot figure out why my tonsils and uvula are swollen nor why they and my throat have been red since May 2011.
I haven't heard of that so I don't know. What has your GI said about it? Any chance of seeing an ear, nose and throat specialist? Seems a bit dumb for your GP to not send you to someone who might actually be able to help.
Odd that doc can not access this or refer you. One thing to consider is to eliminate all dairy for a month. Also try a probiotic to return good bacteria into the gut. See if this helps you. You should see improvement within a week.
I was on a probiotic but am looking for a new one. Mine only had 10 billion whatever.

I love my pcp. She has been a life saver so far. I want to sort out the GI issues first then see what happens with these issues. We are basically addressing one issue at a time. Kinda like peeling back the oinion skins one at a time.
Just wanted to say I have been having this problem for a little while now. The glands on my neck, just under my chin are nearly always swollen and nearly a constant sore throat. I have been sent for an ultrasound and they found no abnormalities but they were enlarged and this could be for a number of reasons. I went back to the dr who sent me for the ultrasound and she was rubbish everytime I have seen her she rushes and doesn't take time so I am going to see if I can get refered to an ENT dr.
I have had my tonsils and adenoids removed in he past but I don't know if they linked in with crohns, but it wouldn't surprise me. Hope you get some answers x
KM, Sorry to hear you are plaqued with similar issues. Keep me posted on what you find out.
