Symptoms occur in the same time intervals

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 16, 2014

I (born: July/1971) have crohn's disease since more than 20 years.
During this periode I had 3 acute relapsings.
The last one took place in August 2012.
I couple of weeks ago I noticed that the time-periode between my them were always
around 9 Years and 3 Months. (or 18 years and 6 Months).

Januar 1994 (acute - hospital treatment)
April 2003 (painful, but not acute - hospital treatment)
August 2012 (acute- hospital treatment)
Januar 2022 ?????
At these mentioned times I had the most painful relapses !
They all end-up in hospital treatment.

Did somebody also experience this temporal regularity of 9.25 or 18.5 years ?

best regards,
No, not intervals like that but then my children haven’t been diagnosed long enough.

As to the cyclic nature of disease then yes. During my daughter’s undiagnosed phase her ‘attacks’ were very cyclic for about 6 months, as in every two weeks and more often than not on the same dates of the month, the 7th and 22nd of the month. Weird.

Dusty. xxx
June 1971, and 1994 was probably when it started for me too. And 18 years later was about the time it got worse which I know now was a stricture.

Hi again,

In the last couple of months I tried a lot of times to contact scientists and doctors in order to get a clear picture
on this, but so far I received no useful answer.

I hope that somebody can help me in my issue and can possibly propose some information sources to answer the questions below.

best regards,

To clearly confirm a coincidence I must answer the following questions:
1. How many people could be found with Crohn´s Disease born June/July 1971?
2. How many of those had relapses in January 1994, 2003 and August 2012?

a) In case that the person know this phenomenon:
When exactly (the exact day) was the person born in June/July 1971?

b) In case the found person doesn´t confirm this phenomenon:
When exactly (the exact day) was the person born in June/July 1971?

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