T Cell VACCINE for Crohns

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Jul 24, 2013
Dr John Hermon-Taylor (England) has been working for 30+ years on the theory that Crohn's Disease is caused by an infectious agent…a bacteria.

Myco Bacterium Paratuberculosis. (or MAP)
He has developed a test which can test patients for the bacteria and he has gone on to develop a t-cell vaccine that (in his words) 'We have a modern T-cell vaccine which worked in mice and has given us fantastic anti-MAP action in cattle with no apparant side effects lasting as long as we had funds/time to go on testing (44 weeks) and reversing the dysregulation that MAP specifically imposes on the immune systems of both infected cattle and humans. Promises to be a game-changer in Crohn's disease (CD).'

The t-cell vaccine basically allows the crohns patients immune system to harvest the 'fighter cells' that can go out into the body and kill the MAP bacteria. There is an immune problem with people with Crohns disease and the vaccine aims to fix it. Further, the vaccine can fix the problem in cows that pass the bacteria in the first place.

Major charities and the government have not provided funding for this work to-date. Why? Political opposition to this work is the strong belief. If the vaccine works it will prove irrefutably that MAP causes Crohn's... and that would lead to some very awkward questions being asked about why, despite earlier warnings, the public had continued to be exposed to a disease-causing pathogen in the food-chain. Another milk scandal wouldn’t look good for the dairy industry. But then this is very short-sighted as it wouldn’t end in the feared apocalyptic scenario of mass culling etc because the vaccine presents the solution to that very problem; vaccinate diseased animals to prevent MAP entering the food chain.

There is a link to a recent news story here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-15442/Could-vaccine-help-Crohns-disease.html
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Interesting, thanks for posting it. It's hard for the little guy to get funding for research and studies on occasion. Thus the link in my signature :)