Teens with Ulcertive Colitis or Crohn's Support Group

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Hi! I'm new here and am 16 from the UK. I was diagnosed with UC in March and it hasnt really sunk in. Yes, I agree - thats a bit wierd. I've been feeling really down ever since I've found out and havent been able to live a 'normal' life as any other student because I've noticed teachers becoming 'nicer' to me ever since my Nurse sent them a letter. I want to be like every other student - but I can't. :( Does anyone have any advice on trying to cheer myself up?
Thanks x

PS Very sorry for my rant!

Background -
Symptoms began - 2011
1st colonoscopy - 04/2011 (aged 12)
Diagnosed with - Anaemia (strangely)
remission - 3 and a half years
Symptoms returned - 12/2014
2nd colonoscopy - 03/2015
Diagnosed with UC - 03/2015

Hey!! Im 14 and I was diagnosed With Crohns disease in 2008 and just recently had a full colectomy and an ileostomy placed. :)) I am the shorter one right of my profile picture
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Hey guys, this is my first time really doing anything support group-ish stuff for my Crohn's disease. I have never really been open about talking about my disease.

My name is Laura and I am 16 years old. I was diagnosed when I was in 7th grade right around Christmas time (what a present :ysmile:) and have been dealing with it ever since. In these 4 years, I have had three surgeries for fistulas/abscesses (I don't really know the difference), tried a variety of drugs - I am currently on Remicade-, have dealt with hiding the disease from some my friends, and have struggled to maintain my weight. I hope that this forum can help all of us find a level of peer support for our disease that only those who also have Crohn's can give us.

Hey!!! im new too.
Hey, I'm Laura, I'm 17 and was diagnosed with Crohn's this past December 2014. I'm currently having a bad flare, and will probably be having surgery to remove about 4 inches of bowel. Right now my days are popping pain pills (and the milliions of others they have me on) and trying to still function! Glad I found this forum where I can talk to others that know what I'm going through.

Hey!! I have had a total colectomy so I can see why you are afraid! can you message me?
Hey guys, this is my first time really doing anything support group-ish stuff for my Crohn's disease. I have never really been open about talking about my disease.

My name is Laura and I am 16 years old. I was diagnosed when I was in 7th grade right around Christmas time (what a present :ysmile:) and have been dealing with it ever since. In these 4 years, I have had three surgeries for fistulas/abscesses (I don't really know the difference), tried a variety of drugs - I am currently on Remicade-, have dealt with hiding the disease from some my friends, and have struggled to maintain my weight. I hope that this forum can help all of us find a level of peer support for our disease that only those who also have Crohn's can give us.

I am also 16 and got diagnosed in 7th grade around Christmas. I going to be put on Remicade soon.
Wow, what a coincidence! What meds are you currently on? I've been having a bad flare up recently, just had a colonoscopy this week so see how things were looking inside of me, and now am started on azathioprine in addition to prednisone and my regular Remicade. Do you have any reservations about Remicade or are you hopeful that this will help things?
Not going to share my name, but I'm 19, have had Crohns since I was a little kid, though was only officially diagnosed at 11 years old.

Anyone else terrified of going to college with this disease? I don't know how I'm going to do it. Highschool was hard enough.
Hi CanadianCrohnie! I'm in a similar boat to you - I'm 17, diagnosed at 9, and I'm off to university in September (hopefully, if nothing goes drastically wrong during exam season...).

I don't really know how I'm going to handle it, to be honest, I'm just going to give it a go and deal with any problems as they arrive. What are you worried about specifically? I really didn't think I'd be able to share a bathroom with anyone so I'm going to apply for en-suite rooms in halls. It's more expensive but I really don't want to inflict my unpredictable guts on anyone else before I even know them! I'm also planning to talk with the Disability Services at the university when I get there about any academic accommodations that I'll need put in place - although I have no idea what I might need I'm sure the advisers have seen it all before.

It still feels weird, though. I'm trying not to be scared and be excited instead but I keep thinking of everything that's going to be so much more difficult for us compared to healthier students. Still... I guess that's what the disability services are there for! I guess we'll have to wait and see? :)
Hey guys!
I'm new here and am a junior in highschool currently. I was diagnosed with mild Crohn's about a month ago. I don't really know anyone else personally that has Crohn's or UC, but this support group has been super helpful to me!
I was just wondering if this group was still active...? It seems like no one's posted in over a year...:shifty-t:
Hi sfike!! Welcome, and I'm glad you found us :) It's really quiet in this thread as a whole, but those of us that are active (like me!) tend to post in the main forum too. I think being a teenager as a whole is so busy that a lot of people post in here a couple of times but then forget about it and never return :p Still, I'm really happy it's helpful to you!!
Thanks for replying and for being so helpful!! :). Sorry, I'm a bit new here, but by main forum do you mean the teens only forum? I just want to make sure I'm looking in the right place!
i think the hardest part is having to miss school . i even remember this one time i went for my exams and ten minutes into the exams i had severe flare ups and i had to rush to the lavatories where i stayed for 30 minutes on coming back the teacher denied me entry to the exam. i had to go home and bring all my medical history that was a day later i ended up doing exam alone and on a later date. another problem was making my friends understand how i was feeling and most didn't believe me until i was admitted to the hospital.