Thankful for this forum

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 2, 2011
hi, guys thank you all for your open hearts. today has been a very ruff day with my son crohn's and I dragged myself to write today or I should say tonight. Anyway this feels good and I really feel like someone is listen. I'm still taking one day at a time. :(
welcome to the forum. How old is your son? I think most people would say they take it one day at a time unfortunately, i guess bearable that way lol
It has been a life line for me as well to be honest...
It great to be able to come here and seek information and support from people who understand.
You are doing very well...
Take care...
welcome to the forum. How old is your son? I think most people would say they take it one day at a time unfortunately, i guess bearable that way lol

He is 24yrs old and started getting sick his first year in college. Well his sickness prevented him from finishing. So the most important and fun time of his life has been suffering with crohn's. to see him go through this is heart braken. But to you thanks. You know I have a plan and if it works I will let you know. we need to help all of the very sick here try to still enjoy what life they have. So as of today I'm going to stand up and fight for this cause. Just as this forum does. I just shared this to you ,but I think I have to share this with everyone.
We thank you for your kind words! Exactly where is his crohns located? Has surgery been an option for him? I am one who believes in surgery IF you follow through with looking after yourself. It isn't a cure but I was 32 diagnosed and have been on so many drugs.. having way too many before surgery makes it harder to fight. My first resection was a wake up call but as you say you value this forum, computers didn't exist so my ignorance of looking after myself was oblivious and was a light smoker and that was just stupid on my part. Stress lead to another resection.

As a result the more surgeries you have the faster it can come back. I would of given my left arm for this place. I still learn from others and I volunteer for the cure.

You are a great mom...wish my mother was a fighter like you!
Hiya! I hope you don't mind that I moved this thread to the Support Forum for family and friends.

We all appreciate people like you. :hug:
Sure, that will be find. Everyday I wake up, I'm fighting for Crohn's, I Know this disease is hard , but there are ways to help the people who cant help themselves, you know like maybe they need help with a bill or dont have money to see a doctor. It needs to be something out there to help people. Dont get me wrong resreach it much needed. But living with the illness is hard .I know I am living through it. With that said, I am going to do something about it. Just sharing, sorry but this must be said out loud.