I've learned patience, empathy, and how to compromise in certain situations with my doctors when I'm flaring (ex-to try new treatments or stay with what I'm on). I've also learned to listen to my body better especially when pain hits. I stop now instead of pushing myself as the housework will always be there.
I don't care anymore with what others think of me when I don't feel well. This is true for my ex best friend who has recently told me that she "tired of being there for me and doesn't care if I'm in the hospital any more" and has accused me of being too clingy in our friendship for the past 25 years. Um, isn't that what best friends do? Be there for one another in good times and bad? She can pound salt for all I care.
I live my life and don't revolve my life around my ostomy either. I also give back by volunteering for the local CCFA support group and ostomy support group.
Have a pain free Easter everyone!!! ~Gutless Wonderwoman :rosette1::rosette1:
I don't have Crohns, I have another form of IBD, but the biggest benefit for me has been taking a big step back and evaluating my yoga practice and emotional state. I'm making changes to both to help me with my IBD and so far the benefits have been wonderful.
I have gone from being a total slob sweetie chocoholic eater to sugar, processed, preservative free and feel so much better for it. DS is also benefitting from secondary eating. And it might be a bit late, but I know now my body needs a bit more care and respect.
I'm pain free now after 8 months and am going to look into ways of supporting organisations who help people with hidden and devastating diseases.
Happy Easter Everyone
I used to worry/stress very easily, but Crohn's has taught me not to sweat the small stuff. First off, it isn't good for my health. And second, there is much bigger things in life to worry about then an untidy house, office stress, etc. I try to let things roll more.
Having Crohn's helps me better understand people in my classes who deal with health issues. I think I'm a more responsive, more caring lecturer.
Especially now with a fistula, it's tough to see the benefits. I agree that there likely are some but when all you can see are the struggles, it's hard to refocus and see the positives. Important, but hard.
I am with some of the others, I have had crohns 20 years plus and since I already was a compassionate, giving person... trying to see a good point. Glad to see some of you have. :hug:
I have seen such an outpouring of support from my family and friends that is has actually brought me to tears. It has made me confident that my funeral with be standing room only.
- Amy
PS Just got another two checks for the CCFA/Take Steps event. Tears, again.
i've learned that i have a very high tolerance for pain, i've become very in tune/self aware of how i feel and the way my mental/emotional state and physical state are strongly connected.
i'm slowly learning to accept myself and my condition and focus on doing as much as i can to be happier and healthier.
i've also realized that even though i've felt self-conscious about others accepting me with this condition, people in my life care about me and don't focus on the crohn's...including guys i've dated or have been interested in.... it's all up to me and how i perceive things, because people see past all of the health issues and value having a relationship with me.
i've learned that i have an awesome team at work! and i'm lucky that my hours are flexible and there is no issue when i need to take time off...especially when i gotta get my remi infusions.