The food in America is SO BAD!!!

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Oct 13, 2010
I was dx'd with CD about 6 months ago. I'm American but have been living abroad for about 6 years now. I was evacuated from where I live and was staying with family in the States for a month. Previously I'd been reading posts on here, many by members in North American and the UK. I thought my symptoms were quite mild in comparison...until I stayed in the US for a month. Holy mother of god, the food there! Every bathroom visit was a new experience. I was in a perpetual state of discomfort of some level or another for the whole trip. The strange thing was, I was trying as best as I could to eat nearly the same things that I eat where I live, in the Middle East.
Everything is bad. Bread that doesn't mold in a month's time. Eggs that send you running to the toilet. My mom even tried to buy the most organic food she could find for me and it still gave me problems.
Now having returned to Bahrain, my GI discovered in an ultrasound that my ileum is thickened. Prior to my trip stateside, I'd felt I was in remission for at least a month and was so hopeful.
The ironic thing is that before CD, I used to look forward to visits home for the "amazing food" in the US that I couldn't get anywhere else. I'd gain maybe 10 pounds eating my favorite things. This trip, I actually lost weight, because I don't think I was able to absorb much.
Just venting!!:eek2:
I hear you eilsew! I have lived here my whole life and I am at my wits end trying to find fresh food. Pretty much, if you don't grow it yourself, you can't trust it. With a rising interest in "natural" and organic food, big businesses are seeing this as a money making opportunity and you can't rely on the fact that organic food is produced by companies with a real interested in producing healthy, natural foods. It's companies looking to make a buck by bending regulations and taking advantage of loopholes and passing off their junk food as healthy when it's no better than the box of twinkies on the next shelf. The loser is the consumer. You really have to try and go to a local farmer and check their operations out for yourself. And they are not easy to find. It's frustrating.

BTW, when I traveled abroad to Greece, i was amazed at how fresh the food was, how great I felt and how much ENERGY I had!
I'm pretty sure our crap diet and the processed food that is so far from its original state (even genetically modified fruits and vegetables) have lead to the increase in IBD in this country. We should be ashamed of ourselves for feeding this crap to our kids!

Sorry your trip home resulted in such a breakdown in your health!

- Amy
Yo quero Taco Bell???? Actually, I would!!! And please send Velveeta ''cheese''!!!! Frankly, I think Keith Richards is alive due to Velveeta! Surely that is the source of life???

I'm kidding!!!! But frankly, I would KILL for some Village Inn breakfasts. Now that I have a bag....I dont CARE!!! Bring on the Philly cheesesteak sandwiches too!

Ok, I can dream. But it's not just american food and all the hormones in the beef etc. Otherwise, only 'yanks' would have this disease. Its genetic as well, and that can still be helped.

ex pat in the UK. But lived all over the world...still flared folks!!!
Elise, I live in a larger city in Canada and try to buy food at farmer's markets whenever possible. The reason? I was visiting my parents one day and they were gushing about the strawberries that they'd just picked (they live in a rural area). I told them I didn't like strawberries anymore (having consumed plenty of Safeway "strawberries" in the months previous). I gave in and tried one... and could not believe the different in flavour. I grew up with fresh picked, garden vegetables and berries and didn't realize how tasteless and awful so much grocery store produce can be until I had a chance to compare the two. A carrot pulled from the ground? Amazing. A grocery store carrot? Hmm, I think it needs some help, maybe I'll cook it and add a sugar glaze. ;)

And cheese? Don't get me started on cheese. I treated myself to a chunk of farmer's cheese made from goat milk at the market on Saturday. Had a piece this, I *savoured* a piece this morning. The cheese is made in small batches by a local producer. They're new and trying to get established, so prices right now are fairly comparable to that of a grocery store cheese.
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One thing....'square foot gardening'. Works even if you dont have room. I do grow my own veggies and fruit if poss. (england does NOT like tomatos and warm dry weather in the still try)

Otherwise, try your local farmers, the small ones. Organic in the store aren't always that great. Grow your own!

(I still like shoot me!!!) :ytongue:
That's why Crohn's and traveling don't always go together very well. I got ill when I traveled to the Middle East (havent made it to Bahrain yet, other than the airport) but I didn't blame the country. It's just what your body is used to and what it's not used to. Hope you are feeling better now.
Yup. In college, before I knew I had Crohn's, I spent almost a month traveling Poland with my choir. We stayed at Polish choir member's houses and so every day we ate their home-cooked meals. It was amazing!

On the way home, we had a layover in New York and so we had a quick dinner in the food court in our terminal. I had a small bowl of baked ziti and my stomach was immediately unhappy and bloated.

I wish I had the money to buy organic or the space to grow my own garden veggies and fruits!