The joy of your bodies urge to ruin your pants.

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 15, 2014
The post says it all, currently in the midst of a flare and have been clenching tightly at regular intervals., I really hope SSI is available soon!

Off topic, if only people knew the pain of sitting after severe "urgency".
It's a horrible disability to have loss of control and it takes a toll physically and emotionally. It's so socially unacceptable that we can barely educate others. It's awful but hopefully with the right treatment and diet it will pass.
Ooh so sorry! I'm isually constipated but am being hit with a flare from hell so I soiled two pairs today. One super bad at home and one a Costco. Ya know you're in deep when you're like "yeah. I sharted. Gotta finish shopping."