Think I have IBD/IBS...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 23, 2012
This forum is an interesting resource. Seems many people here are doing what I'm doing: trying to identify dietary and medicinal solutions as well as identify what foods/drinks to avoid.

I'm 45 and spend way too much time on the porcelain throne. About 5 years ago, I did the Atkins diet for about a year. Used Splenda for everything. I started having lots of diarrhea and abnormal stools, resulting in painful fissures. Instead of losing weight, I gained weight because I didn't feel like doing any exercise. It hurt to ride a bicycle.

My doctor sent me for a colonoscopy and the specialist attributed my condition to Splenda usage (supposedly excessive use of Splenda cleans out the good bacteria). The colonoscopy found a few polyps, but nothing more. The doctor never mentioned Crohns, IBS, or anything else. He just told me to stop using Splenda. I later found a message forum dedicated to so-called victims of Splenda...seems other people were blaming their IBS on the sweetener.

Meanwhile I sought out probiotics via medicines and yogurt in hopes that I could restore the good bacteria. For a while, the Digestive Advantage probiotic for IBS actually helped. Stools were normal more often than not. That is no longer the case. I am back to abnormal stools.

Warning...what follows is a graphic description of the worst part of my stool problem: after pooping or distributing diarrhea, smaller pieces of stool will stubbornly remain in the rectal channel. This, of course, irritates the fissures that never seem to heal. I go through most of the day feeling like I need to poop because of those small fragmented pieces irrirating me.

Only solution that has worked: whenever my dentist or doctor prescribe an antibiotic, I have found that my stools come out normal! Recently I had a tooth infection. For the entire 7 days I was on the antibiotic, I experienced normal stools. My tooth hurt like crazy, but by golly I wasn't stuck on the toilet.

Not sure what to do now other than continue to read through the many forum posts to gather ideas on what might work. One post mentioned changing up the probiotic, so maybe I'll try a different brand for a while.

If anyone in the Dallas/Plano/Frisco/Allen area has a good doctor they recommend for diagnosis/treatment of IBS, please let me know.

Lastly, this whole experience has a negative impact on my family life. My kids make jokes about how I live in the bathroom. But not so funny when we are on vacation and the kids are ready to go see/do stuff and I'm stuck on the toilet. My wife keeps begging me to seek treatment. She's the one who suggested that I might have Crohns.

Welcome to the forum.
It is an interesting response that you get from antibiotics and suggestive of an ongoing infection of some kind.
The fissures do need more investigation, and it would be a good idea to find a really good
gastroenterologist to do a full work up.
Some of your symptoms do not fit with iBS which is an unfortunate catch all with some physicians.
You need blood work and at least a colonoscopy.
With a good GI you will receive proper investigation and treatment.
Why continue to suffer without knowing what the problem is?
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
PS---There is a section on the forum where members have sent their docs names

see: Doctor Directory listed on this forum

Two in Dallas, one in Plano
Hi Phil and welcome to the forum. I agree that it is certainly worth getting to a GI and getting some up to date tests done, hopefully then you can get some answers and onto treatment that can get you feeling better. Food wise what diet are you following now? Do you find if certain foods cause you more problems over others?

Hope things can be sorted for you soon.

The doctors have provided no advice or prescription suggestions.

I have tried a variety of pro-biotics, but only one worked for a while.

Tried various diets, but none have changed the problem.
When did you see the doctor and was it a GI? I take it that the colonoscopy you had was a few years ago? With your ongoing problems you should at least be getting referred for some up to date tests to see what is going on - have bloods even been done? I think it is worth getting to see another doc who is actually going to give you the care you deserve.
I have my annual physical coming up and I'll ask my doctor to refer me to a diff GI since the last one failed to diagnose my issue accurately. Thanks!

I did change pro-biotics lately and that didn't help. Nor does eating a yogurt every day.
Get a test for C-Diff and small intestine bacterial overgrowth. That antibiotics help so readily is indicative of something of an infectious nature. It (c diff) often shows with pseudomembranes, but as sometimes they aren't present, so ask for the test, worst that can happen is they don't find anything, which'll happen anyways if they don't look :p.

Worth a try, and much better than having Crohn's or something, eh?


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