Think I messed up

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Regular Joe

Senior Member
Sep 2, 2009
Today I'm sick.

I'm down on energy and the gut is gone haywire. D with a little blood - probably normal after the c-sope.

Maybe its cus I thought I was superman yesterday?

I don't think I did the math right. After the colonscopy, I got maybe 3 hours of sleep that night then went to work. Worked out - I paid an inordinate amount of time to my abs. Painted a ceiling.

Today had some pretty bad cramping, gurgling like crazy. I lost the appetite somewhere. I don't know it seems like one thing is making another symptom and another is making another. I had to call off work today. I have muscle aches all over, and my abdomen is like a small war was fought over it. Trouble is I don't know which pain is coming from where. Some of has to be the workout it was a longer strenous one 50 minutes.

I asked the nurse when I could start working out - they said tomorrow.

Well I don't have any joint pain. My knee is a bit swollen but not painful. My skin feels tight. I don't if I'm fatigued, or just plain out of gas?

I'm trying not to beat myself up, but I guess I did a pretty good job of doing that already, quite literally. Well at least a coconut hasn't fallen on my head, but if there was a tree nearby yesterday I probably would have shaken it.

My mind is pretty foggy. Does anyone know what did I messed up? And what should I do and not do today? Sorry but my mind is not clear, and I know there's something not right. I don't want to make it worse. I'm worried I might have already made something worse. I'm also thinking there's something missing in my diet, or something that got burned and not replaced. Should I eat, and what should I eat?

I want my mummy! Waaaaaah!
Sounds like superman needs to chill out. At least that's what my family keeps telling me. A big work out after a colonoscopy? I don't know how you did it. Last one I had I came home and passed out for the afternoon. I'm glad you posted this because I can relate so well right now. If I had a job, I would have called in sick today and if I could think straight I'd probably be dangerous. I don't really have any advice, I just feel like we are paddling in the same boat. Wanted you to know you are not alone and thanks for reminding me that I'm not alone either. I really needed that. Hope you feel better soon.

Colonoscopy is a safe procedure, and complications are rare but can occur:

* Bleeding can occur from biopsies or the removal of polyps, but it is usually minimal and can be controlled.
* The colonoscope can cause a tear or hole in the colon. This is a serious problem, but it does not happen commonly.

* It is possible to have side effects from the sedative medicines.
* Although colonoscopy is the best test to examine the colon, it is possible for even the most skilled doctors to miss or overlook an abnormal area in the colon.

You should call your doctor immediately if you have any of the following:

* Severe abdominal pain (not just gas cramps)
* A firm, bloated abdomen
* Vomiting
* Fever
* Rectal bleeding (greater than a few tablespoons)

Only you know how much blood is there and bleeding shouldn't last a long time. I also don't know if you're taking Asprin or not or any other blood thinners which could play a part. Bleeding isn't common, but it can happen. Call you GI right away if it continues or gets worse cause you don't want a possible tear or hole to go untreated.

Edit: You should always take it easy after having any sort of procedure because it puts stress on your body and your body is trying to repair itself. Normally you can eat whatever you want after having one but if you're bleeding and don't feel well then keep drinking liquids and if you eat anything, make sure its bland like white rice, chicken breast or fish and steamed veggies (with minimal salt, pepper and butter, use lemon as flavor instead).

Edit 2: I never had any sort of bleeding after a scope and if it were me, I'd contact my GI anyway and let them know. Sure they may say that its normal or can happen and to just keep an eye on it but at least they know your symptoms early if they think you should come back in or not. IMO its always better to be safe than sorry but its your call.
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Awww Joe, I feel for you! I had a little bit of blood after my last scope, but nothing major and it was just the day after. Try and take it easy for a few days and let yourself recover.

A colonoscopy is a three day affair for me. I work from home if possible the day before so I can start my prep from the comfort of my own home and feel rested. I take the day of off and work from home the day after to recuperate a little.

Your mind is likely foggy from the drugs. The last time I had one they affected me more than usual. If you feel like eating, I would eat, but stick to easy foods like white toast, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs and make sure you are getting plenty of fluids, you need to replenish your body!

Let us know how you're doing tomorrow.
Thanks for the input.

The bleeding is not really serious...maybe a couple swirls wrapped in with the poo. Definitely not a teaspoon...maybe a few drips like from an eyedropper, and not in every movement either. It's been like that in other colonoscopies I've had.

Yesterday (the day after) I felt great. I kept the eating on the low side, nothing too spicy. Chicken, cottage cheese, just lightweight stuff.

I'm beginning to realize I have a problem with keeping things in proportion. When the nurse said I could work out the next day, she might have been thinking light cardio or mixed - probably what she would be doing when "working out".

Whenever I do strength training, its just the way you do it, I push until there is nothing left in the muscle group. Yesterday I was working chest and abs, I went for 50 minutes which is when I couldn't lift anymore or do any more abs. I really pushed hard on the ab exercises-rapid fire - Picture "maniac" level.

The "proportion flaw" in my thinking was I thought I'd be overdoing it if I did cardio on the day after. Instead I thought it would be "safe" to burn up a couple major muscle groups.

I just took a dropper of B-12 plus B complex, and that seems to have given me a little more clarity in my mind. But no more energy. I'm pretty much laying down on the bed. When I get up to sit or walk around, it's a trip to the pooper. Not much left coming out but "sharts" - bubbly air - you know what I mean.

No appetite - I have this "fear factor" going on too. I'm afeared to eat. If I could unscrew my head for a while and let it sit somewhere where nobody would pay attention, this might all just blow over.
I think your problem may have been exercising yesterday and you didn't say how much liquid you drank yesterday but you could easily be dehydrated. Colonoscopies can take a lot of us and you did quite a lot of abdominal exercise. You really need to hydrate well today, maybe have some chicken soup, and see how you feel tomorrow.

I'm sorry you feel so bad today and I hope it clears up very quickly for you.
That is kind of what I was thinking, Jeff... electolytes a bit out of whack after doing the colonoscopy prep, and then working out so hard... that might account for the "fuzzy head" - low potassium, maybe? That might account for the muscle aching/cramping as well... Calcium overload in the muscles from the workout.

Maybe try an electrolyte drink, like Gatorade or something? And yes, REST! lol I think we all tend to do it, overwork ourselves when we do feel good, cause we know we aren't going to do anything when we feel like crap.... That is something I am trying to learn... even when you feel on top of the world... take it easy so you don't wear it all

I hope you feel better soon ((((( Joe ))))
Hey Joe I think you may have over done it. After scopes some people feel wiped and then you go and paint a ceiling*smack in the back of the head*. Dont beat yourself up....take it easy ok. You will be fine. :hang:
Hey, Superman, hang up the cape and take it easy for a few days. :)

A scope is hard enough for "regular" people - for us Crohnies, it's extra rough.

I'm with MapleLeaf - it's a multi-day affair for me and a good excuse to be lazy and take it easy for a couple days afterwards.

Hope you start to feel better real soon - Amy
Well most of everything "Crohnish" seems to have gone away. But my gawd, my abs are more painful than when something inside is flaring up. Top to bottom.

By the way, Jeff gets the winning suggestion award. I chugged a quart of plain chicken broth, passed out for 2 hours, and woke up almost a new man. What's up with chicken soup? Is there some kind of secret wellness formula in that juice or what? And how come it doesn't work with chicken sandwiches or Chicken a la King?

Note to self: Avoid strenuous abdominal exercises after colonoscopy.
Sounds like some wise thinking has been going on. Chicken soup is always good for the soul. Failing that I make a great smoked tomato soup, and my creamy mushroom soup is great too. I so love cooking. It's hard to slow down sometimes, especially when you are used to pushing yourself. Sometimes when I feel sick I get frustrated with my inability to do things and try to prove my ability my pushing through barriers to say to myself "Yes you can do it!" Then I spend the rest of the week saying "Why did I need to do that to myself? I should have read a book or watched a movie instead". Take care and enjoy the chicken soup
Do you normally do ab workouts like this? I used to be really into strength training before I got sick and have only gone back to my normal gym routine about 3 weeks ago. During the school year I did try out boxing club though...and as you can imagine they worked our core/abs pretty hard. I quit the day after because I was in total agony and I just attributed it to the workout. So since then I haven't done any ab workouts in fear that it might bother me like it did before.
Hey btbam11,

Well I haven't worked the abs that hard until the day after the colonoscopy. Pretty dumb huh? But I've been working out regularly for about a month, since this flare has been quieting down. I did start off doing chest and abs, also alternating with cardio, but for some reason day before yesterday, I really went in for the burn on both chest and abs. I guess I didn't think the colonoscopy was any type of big deal, but as I found out the hard way, it is a body stressor.

I hadn't worked out for almost a year because the flare was wiping out my energy and giving me fatigue. But I had been before that, but not abs. Just cardio, chest and arms. But I eased into the routine last month and included abs because I'm too flabby, but also vain (gotta get me a 6-pack at 51 years old). Just acted stupid after the c-scope.

I didn't do the math. fasting the day before, running my bowel empty with the prep (getting bored at that), getting drugged, and then the demerol having an opposite effect - it seemed to give me a charge. I was eager to get back into my "groove", so I avoided thinking. Duh!
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Just read this Joe. Hope your still improving. I guess you've been working your abs long enough that it shouldn't take three days to shake plain old soreness.

After reading most of your posts on this site, it's a little odd to see you do something human and err.
Hey man, I'm glad you are feeling better and that the chicken soup helped. I think it's the nutrients in it that are beneficial to us. It provides us with energy to heal I think.
After reading most of your posts on this site, it's a little odd to see you do something human and err.

Thanks Mark.

I know, I know...its hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way!:king:

OK Just kidding...someone might take me seriously.

If you want to know the real deal, just ask my girlfriend. She will gladly advise you as to how few times I've erred!:lol2:

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