Thinking About Going Back to Work

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Jan 9, 2010
So it's been about 5+ years since I've gone to work. I've been a student ever since I can remember and since I finished my MFA in 2009, it's time for me to look for jobs. I'm applying for a teaching job at a community college that I probably won't get but it's worth a shot and I'm really nervous. What if all the stars in the universe were to align and I was hired? I've dealt with crohns most of my life and started having panic attacks 2 years ago that I'm still not used to. I mean, every time I'm at the air port or a train station I have a panic attack. Even when I was a TA during grad school I'd have panic attacks in class. My being a TA didn't really feel like an actual job though, I felt more like a student.

I know that I'm just scared right now but I'm worried that I can't hold down a job and this has been my dream job since high school, now I'm afraid that I don't want to do it or that I made a HUGE mistake. Maybe I just got used to not working and I'm just being a big baby. I dunno.

Anyone else go through this or something similar?
Crabby, I know what you mean about the panic attacks. I would always get them because I would worry about whether my bosses thought I was working hard enough. I realize now that it was just me and I had to change my way of thinking.

I would be all nervous also when it comes to the process of finding work. But you will do fine. This is what you trained to do and you must be good enough or else you wouldn't have gotten you degree.

Good luck and I hope you get the job
I am pretty sure if I was going to pilot the space shuttle I would be scared out of my wits.

If I had the training, I would do it anyway. Since your life is not on the line, what is the worst that can happen?

The worst case scenario I can see is you decide to let your fear make decisions for you and then you spend the rest of your life regretting not trying.

Most people do not regret what they have done, if it was a worthwhile endeavor to begin with. They regret what they could have done, but did not.

Good Luck with the new job. You will be fine.

When you are very very old, and you are on your death bed with loving family around you saying fond goodbyes and remembering what a great person you are and what a great life you have led... I guarantee you won't be looking back over your life regretting the things you DID do.... it will be the things you DIDN'T DO - the opportunities you allowed to slip through your fingers.

If you have a chance to do your dream job, grab it and make the most of it. If it doesn't pan out the way you hoped or you don't like it as much as you thought you would, at least you will know, on the other hand it could turn out to be the best move of your life - don't let it slip away for fear...

I recently followed my dream for a job I thought would be my true vocation... from day one I absolutely HATED it! But you know what, I have absolutely no regrets, because I know that if I hadn't tried it I would have spent the rest of my life thinking I had missed my chance of a job that would have supposedly made me truly happy and fulfilled. Now I am relieved, and I know what I DON'T want to do - and sometimes thats easier than knowing what you DO want to do!

The world is your oyster - grab every chance you get!

Lishyloo x
D Bergy said:
The worst case scenario I can see is you decide to let your fear make decisions for you and then you spend the rest of your life regretting not trying.
I don't have panic attacks Crabby - but I do have a bit of anxiety and it effects my Crohn's for sure. BUT..I agree with what Dan said above. If this is what you have always wanted to do and you are lucky enough to have been able to finish school and get a degree - you would only short change yourself if you don't give yourself the opportunity and at least SEE if you will do OK. My guess is you'll be GREAT and everything will be fine. Go for it!! And keep putting that positive energy out there about getting the job....
I wish you luck on getting the job Crabby! If you do get the job you have to at least accept it. This way like others have said you wont regret not trying then. If it is something that you would love to do, you have to at least give yourself that chance and opportunity that was given to you. Good luck again :D
Good luck Crabby....I am wanting to get back to work as well....Go for it! Regret is an awful thing to live with. If you don't get the job, look at it as a learning opportunity for the next time.:)
For a while now I've felt like I have a lot to think about since I finished school. I had been wondering if I made the right choice, did I waste all that money for school for a job that isn't for me, what do I do now that I have no experience, who would hire me anyway? But I'm glad I posted here because it's obvious that these questions or concerns don't need to be asked right now until I follow the whole thing through. I went to school to get this degree for a reason and I shouldn't let anything stop me now. Thank you for your comments everyone. I'll let you all know if I got the job or not.

And you're right Carolyn, there are a lot of dummies doing what I've been wanting to do. That's one of the things that's always motivated me to get that degree. I've had a lot of teachers in my years at school and some of them were terrible and I want other students to have better.

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