This will Give Crohnies Hope!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 10, 2013
Hello all,
I have some very exciting news to share and couldn't keep it to myself!
I was on Entocort and had some VERY bad side effects. I gained almost 20 pounds practically over night which caused horrific stretch marks on my inner thighs and hips. I had so many cravings and was constantly hungry. I went off Entocort in October 2013 and since then I have lost all the excess weight without really trying. I lost the cravings and hunger so that probably helped with the weight loss. I have tried multiple creams for the stretch marks. They are somewhat faded but still a light to dark pink or purple. But overall, I am happy I lost that extra weight. I feel lighter and happier and healthier. I hope this gives hope to people who also have these side effects on Entocort or Prednisone or any other medication.
Hi there! I'd be interested to know the dosage of entocort you were on. I am currently med free, but entocort may be in my future. Many, many years ago I took prednisone and remember the hunger well. It was not a good scene. Some of my side effects were a 'moon face', withering muscles in my arms and legs, a barrel-shaped body, mood swings, thinning hair. I fear that entocort may produce similar side effects.

So glad that you are off the med and have lost the pounds.

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