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Apr 30, 2010
Nottingham, UK
Anyone got any tips for preventing or dealing with vaginal thrush? I get it two or three times a year, and have done more or less since I started my periods. Most times a couple of days of Canesten cream clears it up, occasionally I will need to take the oral treatment.

So far I have tried changing the type of underwear I wear, the soap powder I wash my underwear in and my sanitary protection. I don't use shower gel or any creams or anything down there except products specially designed for the area. If I think I have thrush, I avoid penetrative sex to stop my boyfriend getting it. Diabetes has been ruled out, and I very much doubt I have a fistula or anything like that since I started getting thrush years before my Crohn's diagnosis.

Any ideas would be appreciated!
The only way I find relief from it is to strip all clothes/undies from my bottom half and get under the sheets, to let the cool air circulate.

But I would be concerned that you're getting it so often though. I mean I think all women get it from time to time but seems to be happening more for you.
Noticed u r not on any probiotics. I take a regular dose everyday, but when I feel an infection coming on, I take a double dose for a week and that usually fights it off. Also, wear only cotton undies during the day, and air out at night. Some people I've spoken to about this say to also limit your sugar intake; the thrushies thrive on sugar. Best of luck to you, cause those beasties are not pleasant!
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Hiya :) I'm the same as you, I get it a few times a year - I've noticed it is brought on by sex (as are my UTIs which are quite common unless I drink a tonne of water)

I use feminine wash, femefresh do a good one which has cranberry oil and probiotics in it and I find it very soothing and occasionally if I feel a bit irritated it calms things right down.

Oral probiotics and avoiding too much sugar is helpful, making sure you nip it in the bud with creams and treatments. Cotton underwear, only washing once a day and avoiding tight clothes will help.

Unfortunately some of us are just prone to it. I've had a diabetes test which was negative, there's nothing sinister going on it's just one of those things.
Glad to hear I'm not the only one! I already use cotton undies and Femfresh (though not the same type you do- will have to check that out). Mine is also often triggered by sex or my period.

Guess I'll check out the probiotics, but not sure if I can afford a decent brand :( though would eating live yoghurt have some benefits do you think?

I'm trying to wean off sugar again, I am trying to eat a little dark chocolate when I have a craving for something sweet!