Sadly, it is a long journey. For me, in hindsight, ignorance was bliss. I was diagnosed with IBS in my teens. I had random episodes of pooing my pants, pains, living in the loo, which my GP put down to bowel parasites, gave me Flagyl, it improved. Always passed off as IBS. I did have a colonoscopy 10 years ago which was clear, so still IBS.
In March 2015 I asked my GP for a referral back to colonscopy guy as I knew something wasn't right. The pain! The "Anal Period"!. The staggering amount that could come out of a human's bum! She sent me to a new Dr who she said she would sent her best friend to.
Dr Fat had recently lost 17kgs himself, so clearly I would feel better if I lost weight too. Repeat colonoscopy and gastroscopy = Crohn's Disease. Definitely not Coealic. Had me on 5mg steroids, with a quick taper, then 750mg pentasa daily. When I told him I wasn't feeling better he said that I needed to learn to live like this. About a year later, including regular checkups with him, I reported that original symptoms were back in full force, with the symptom of pooing blood only. He sent me to Dr Ace. Bang! 4.8gms pentasa, stomach ulcers, and the very unwelcome addition that I did indeed have Coeliac disease. Bloodwork show Hypothyroidism. Rheumatologist confirmed Arthritis. Dietician told me that he felt so sorry that my new diet was so brutal - Coeliac, lowFODMAPS, Fructose Malabsorption. Now onto 3rd Gastro as I need to step up to biologics.
I wish I didn't know what MTX stands for but I do, as I have self-injecting for 8 months.
Find a happy place and let the drs shove things in places of your body that you didn't know existed.
Have CT scans, MRI's, Pill Cams (I haven't had that as I'm sure I'll need to take out a bank loan for it). Take notes of questions, then ask them at every appointment. Do not feel like you need to rush your time with your specialist - YOU are paying THEM, plus you've been waiting a long time for your turn.
It will get better (I tell myself). It won't be 100%, but it will be bearable (I tell myself).
I hope you can tell yourself this too.