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Dec 8, 2012
Hi everyone,
I have been suffering from stomach and rectal problems for 20+ years. Growing up, I always suffered from a nervous stomach and was told repeatedly by doctors that it was just the way I am wired.
I have suffered from very bloody, painful and persistent bottom issues approximately 3 weeks a month. A typical month will see me drain through my pants at least 5 times. I have experienced extreme depression and anxiety, I am now taking some comfort in the idea that my pain and incontinence have contributed significantly.
My symptoms have changed significantly through out the years. I consistently face diarrhea and/or constipation Currently I am swollen and miserable. I have been to a number of doctors in the past and have been told that my issue stems from hemorrhoids and nerves. A couple of years ago I had another serious flare up and contacted professional help.
My gastroenterologist was of the assembly line mentality, I agreed to a colonoscopy once my swelling had subsided. The colonoscopy didn't indicate any problems and I was informed that I do not have a problem with internal hemorrhoids.
My symptoms vary so often, I used to constantly have a gurgling stomach. Over the past year I have been taking Sustenex and the gurgling/stomach issues have largely relieved.
There is much more to my story, my symptoms have continued to get worse as time goes by. Currently, I am very swollen and apathetic. As a result of this current bout, I have a GP appointment Tuesday. (For the sole purpose of seeking another GI referral, I lost the contact info of the GI who referred my colonoscopy. I was fed up from his demeanor and the news of my procedure results. He happily informed me that if the problems continued I should schedule a lower-GI-series)
There is more to say, but for now I am frustrated and worn down, thanks for your time.
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Hello and welcome to the forum.

I am sorry to hear that you have struggled so much for so long, just to confirm is the colonoscopy the only test that has been carried out previously? Have bloods been done to check inflammation levels? I definetly agree that you need to be seeing a new GI so a new round of tests, scans etc can be carried out, if the colonoscopy is clear then perhaps a pill cam can be done to check higher up th GI tract, others here with have MRI's or CT scans to check things as well. Another thing I would ask your GP to check is your vitamin levels, the problems with your tum can mean that you are not absorbing everything which can lead to deficiences in this area.

I will be keeping fingers crossed that you can get some answers to this hun, please keep us updated on how you are getting on.

Thank you for the support.
So far the only testing done has been 1 colonoscopy and 1 endoscopy.
After the colonoscopy was found normal, I was informed that a lower-GI-series would be next.
I fear that procedure somewhat and have been trying to avoid it. I intend to request blood testing this time and will follow through with the barium enema if requested.
In the past, some of my symptoms came and went so quickly. Many seemed unrelated and I have had a tendency to minimize the problem, especially when I am not experiencing acute symptoms.
In the past I have often had an elevated temperature, I have had many bouts of iritis . Typically I have to use the bathroom at least 4 times in the morning before I can leave the house to go into the office.
Typically soon after I arrive, I feel the pressure of another BM. Sometimes, because of bleeding and other discharge, I am unable to use the facilities in public or at work, fearing I will make a mess or bleed out as a result.

I am not typically a very talkative person. In the past I have done a poor job of describing my symptoms and I believe I have a tendency to minimize pain, I previously worked in heavy construction and on loading docks. Currently I work in IT and have advanced quite well in the field. Lately, my work performance has been terrible and I fear repercussions. Luckily, I have a terrific manager and I am very talented at what I do, when I can focus on the task at hand.

I fear waiting until Tuesday to meet with my doctor. In the past, I have made appointments like this only to have my symptoms reduce when I finally make it to the appointment. Resulting in my minimization of the issue and not wanting to sound like a whiner or attention seeker. I have taken photos this time in case my swelling subsides, this is a real catch 22 for me as I am in terrible pain at the moment, even considering a trip to the ER or clinic because I fear obstruction or infection...

Thanks again for your kind response, I know it is somewhat irrational but I feel inappropriate venting in this way. I am trying to overcome this as well.
Vent away hun, this is what we are here for :hug: I think it may be helpful if you write down everything you can recall previously and now about all the symptoms you have experienced. Also see if you can find any correlation in worsening symptoms with what you have eaten. Even if at the appt you feel a bit better you need to go through everything with the doc as best you can, I can understand you minimizing your pain, it can be that you get so used to living with it that it seems the norm and not that bad but it isn't something anyone should have to deal with.
Hello and welcome!
I am so sorry to hear of all your pan and discomfort. I think its best to find a new GI anyway, the other one seems like he wasn't really taking you seriously, when you obviously have a problem.
One thing that I want to suggest is filing for FMLA. That way if you have to miss work regarding your illness they can't punish you for it. Its really easy to file for, just talk to your HR department and have your GP fill out the forms. I would even talk to him/her on Tuesday when you go. Even if you never use it, its a great safety net to have
I hope you get answers soon !

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