"Tis the season"

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Senior Member
Jun 30, 2006
Halifax, NS, Canada
Hey all...

Just wondering if anyone else ever experienced similar symptoms. I had been doing OK up until the end of november... I'm following my diet, taking my meds, nothing has changed as far as my regimen or routine... But as of 2 1/2 weeks ago I began to see a definite downturn... Not a sudden drastic drop like a typical flare.. you know those that knock you back suddenly & w/o warning.. but a slow, persistent downward slide that nothing seems to put the brakes on... My pain levels have gradually gone up, I notice that my (OK, gross stuff here folks, Non-Chronies please close your eyes) BM's are very watery and indicate a lot of inflamation, and my (more gross stuff warning) urinary output is dropping off.. way off.. One of the side effects of either my meds or this disease (at least for me) was that I was constantly whizzing like a racehorse. It isn't enuff to have me running to the ER (don't want to spend Xmas in the hospital), I can't reach my GI (still away on maternity leave), and my GP is booked up solid for the holidays..

I do have a touch of the Xmas blues (I dunno why... my shopping & wrapping is all done, and all of the house is cleaned up for visitors.. my son is flying down for Xmas).. All that's left to do is to decorate the old Christmas tree.. Maybe that will help.. My point? I dunno.. clutching at straws.. Don't think my touch of the blues is triggering whatever is going on.. Wondering if maybe this is sign my Crohns is into my kidneys or bladder... Just don't like that feeling that something different is happening... Anyone else ever had symptoms or complications like these happen?
Hi Kev,

Everytime I start a flare my symptoms are similar, but I can't quite put my finger on the cause either. But definately, the symptoms start with an uncomfortable feeling that progressively gets worse until one day I feel terrible. I too have a slow in urinary output but then I probably don't drink enough so it could be that. Its quite common to feel a little low when we hit the "counting the days to christmas" period after all that rushing about. I am sure once you're son visits, you will feel a whole lot better. The thing is at the moment you are at that "in between stage" where you are ready for christmas, but christmas is not quite here. Focus on dressing the tree and preparing for your visitor and before you know it you'll be having a fantastic time.
As far as your syptoms are concerned, do you not have an IBD nurse you can contact? or is there not another doctor you could speak to if your doctor isn't available? It might be worth enquiring, the last think you need is to be flaring over christmas if you can calm the situation. You may just need rest, have you been doing a lot lately?, maybe its that and anxiety about christmas looming that have unsettled things. Whatever the cause, I think its important to try and get checked out. Keep us posted


Hi Kev,

I agree with Ruth here...with Christmas upon us and all the rushing about.
I feel that any symptoms I may have are greatly exagerrated when an event such as Christmas is almost here. It's like in my mind over and over I keep saying..'you can't get sick now..you have to be well for the family..a dinner to cook, people to entertain etc.'
Therefore, I am constantly watching and waiting because the last thing I want is a flare during a holiday.

I'm not saying you aren't on the verge of a flare, and I would most certainly get it checked out, even in emergency if need be, since your doctor's are not available....just that we want to be okay for Christmas so bad...we dwell on symptoms.

Please do not ignore the symptoms though
...and decorate that tree, put on some Christmas music and sing along.
Heck..I'll sing along with you! :)

Keep us posted...no one wants to be in a flare for the holidays.

Hi Kev, I hope that your flare dies down, or that you are able to get over it before Christmas. I notice that when I am stressed, I tend to get faster flare ups that just hit me like a ton of bricks, without warning, and are really painful, then subside (after I take pain meds, of course.) I know it is easy to say "relax" when I am not the one in flare, but that is something I am making a concerted effort to do. I had been running around this past week trying to get Christmas stuff done, and then we had a huge wind storm out here, and lots of people in Seattle had damage to their homes, and no power. Fortunately, we did have power, but my sons school still doesn't have power, so he has had two extra days off, and while that makes him happy, its stressful for me to keep him entertained. So I had one of those fast Crohns flares last night, and I think it was from doing too much, and not paying close attention to eating properly (chewing thoroughly, making sure what I am eating has no dairy in it) and from the antibiotics I am taking to get over a nasty respiratory infection that is going around. My husbands father died of an aneurism on Christmas day many years ago, but he still gets gloomy around the holidays because of it, so there is that added stress, too. I just have to make time to relax and go to the gym and work out. But I can empathize with you in your holiday concerns.
Take care, and hang in there!
Yes, my symptoms are similar . . . I, too, feel like it could flare with no problem (quit eating nuts Cara! Oh but they are good . . .) and I notice that I don't urinate for hours and hours (try drinking more water, Cara . . .). Fight the flare . . . fight the flare . . .

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