Today has been...

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Jul 20, 2010
quite a dark day.

It started off well, managed to get out of the house and go to the library to get on with some work for my dissertation for my final year of uni. Then it all went downhill, I've just been feeling quite useless and being in this flare isn't helping.

I've just moved into a new house near uni and have been meeting new people and it's so embarrassing when they don't know about my crohn's and hear my tummy noises and presume I'm hungry and make a big deal out of it.

To cut to the chase, I have completely lost my confidence. I used to be a bubbly, funny person that found it easy to talk to lots of people, and sometimes I do see snippets of that person but the rest of the time I feel a bit lost. I don't like spending time with lots of people at the same time and mostly prefer to be by myself which is very unlike me.

I really don't know what to do about it, I've been trying to put myself out there but it just seems so overwhelming right now.
Hiya Cara

so sorry you're going thro this, but remember you're not alone, we're all here!
we all go thro these dark days of hopelessness and overwhelming feelings, nip this in the bud now before you fall so deep into the dark hole, nothing will get you out!
a short course of an anti depressant will take the edge off, so see your GP
try to relax, stressing about work load will wear you out. meeting new people is scary too, but you don't have to explain your illness, not unless they ask!
hope you'll be ok hun
I'm scared about going on anti-depressants, I have never been on them before because they have such a stigma attached to them. I've tried to get out of this myself but it doesn't seem to be working, so I guess I'll have to give them a try.
Hey Cara

I understand your reluctance for anti-depressants... I fought going on them for years.

But, try to think of it this way....if you ARE normally a happy bubbly person, then obviously something is mixed up in the chemicals in your brain, right? We take meds to sort out other "chemical" and "physical" imbalances in our CD... why should our brain be any different?

The other thing to remember is, you have been dealt a pretty crappy hand in life... you have been told you have to deal with pain and running to the bathroom and putting up with nightsweats and trying out all these weird-ass drugs for the rest of your life... that's bound to make anyone a little blue. And you have every right to feel blue. But when it gets to the point where you can't stand being blue... you need to reach out for help.

No one except you , your doctor, and pharmasist have to know what meds you are on. Try them. See if they work. If you don't like them, you can always stop. :)

Sending bug squishy hugs and a ray of sunshine....
Hey Cara, there's not much I can add except a :hug: a sympathetic shoulder and an ear to listen if you need it. Uni is tough I was not long there myself, so if I can help in any way let me know :)
Thank-you so much for listening to me :) I'm glad I found this place so I don't need to vent on my family and my boyfriend so much. I know that they care and they would do anything for me but it just gets to the stage where I think "they've heard all this before".

I'm going to call the doctors tomorrow and see if they can fit me in, because I don't want to feel like this any more.

Action plan or what!
Hiya Cara

donkey's years ago there was a stigma attached to anti depressants, these were tranquilizers, diazepam, valium, bennies, uppers, downers! whatever you want to call them! really addictive crap stuff!
there are new drugs now, SSRIs, serotonin reuptake inhibitors, I've been on Lustral and Seroxat in the past, they are good, gives you a boost of serotonin, increases mood and on low doses, non habit forming, don't be afraid of them! It's only temporary til you get back on your feet!
Thinking carefully I should probably mention that I was also diagnosed with vitamin B12 anaemia and it's coming up to my time for having another ***, although I do have another couple of weeks to wait yet...

I've heard that this can be linked with low moods (I am loathed to say depression at all costs) and wondered if this could be a trigger?
p.s. on a different and brighter note, just went downstairs to fill up a bottle of water and noticed my hamster was out so I gave her a cuddle. It made me smile and took my mind off things for a little while because she is sooooo cute.
B12 anemia could be a factor for sure. It can have affects on your mood...but might not be the only cause....

At least you have a plan...stick with it, Girly!! :) :)
Hey cara-lou,

Looks like you've been getting some spot on advice. If you need a crutch, antidepressant, to get you through this rough patch, take it. There's no shame and you will be doing yourself and your body a favour. Sometimes the black dog settles himself on your shoulders and nothing can shake him off but a good hefty shove in the shape of a pill.

:hang: buddy, we are all here for you.

Look after yourself mate,
Hi guys, just wanted to say that this morning I woke up and felt much brighter. I think it was after talking last night and realising that I'm not alone in this. I still feel like there's a cloud over me but it seems a bit less daunting now :) so thank-you.
I made my appointment with the doctor for monday today. Mainly because I can't face getting out of bed yet.

Anyway, chin up, I just want to remember how positive I was yesterday and hope that I'll feel the same soon :)

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