Today sucks....

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Aug 7, 2011
So today is the first day I have not felt great since my surgery. I have been doing wonderful with the stoma and I'm only 7 weeks post op and have been gaining weight and getting tons of energy back. Today just started off bad. I went to change Ivan the Terrible this morning for my regular change. I showered like I normally do where I take the wafer and bag off on change days and Ivan acted terrible. I had not eaten before bed or had anything to eat or drink before the shower. He usually gives me no trouble but today I could not get him to stop misbehaving every two seconds. It took me almost 30 minutes to change it all because he kept getting everywhere and I had to keep cleaning things up! I went to work ( I am back to work part time until next week) and it just felt like if it could go wrong it did. My phone kept ringing and it was always somebody wanting to complain about something that there was nothing I could do about it. I finally got home after a half day and just wasnt feeling great but a couple people at work had colds so I thought I had just caught one. Went to the bathroom and find out why I felt horrid. I had gotten my lovely gift for being a girl!!!! The worst part is I havent had it in over a year because my body has been so down and I didnt think that feeling better and absorbing all the right stuff would of kicked it back in every month, not this fast anyway. So now I have a cold, cramps from my period, and my stoma is very active because he wants to annoy me and on top of all that me and my husband are separating and I am trying to pack my apartment up so I can move out! I am beyond frustrated and sad and a huge range of emotions! I just needed to vent today.
Oh no... I feel you! My period came back on week 6 after the op (I'm now 10 and half) and it was awful. Cramps.. mood swings.. BLOATING (I was really enjoying not having much bloating from lack of colon). And I couldn't even use a tampon because my poor vagina is still healing. UGH nasty.

It's not nice when everything piles on top of you all at once. I wish I could give you a massive hug!!!
Hi CrohnsGirl,

I am really sorry to hear about all you're going through, but hang in there!!

When I had my ileostomy it ALWAYS acted up when it was time to change bag&wafer. It was like it was trying to sabatoge me!! I have one little trick that helped me which may also benefit you.

I would always keep a template of the wafer seal on hand so that it could be cut to size prior to attempting to change it. I also kept a stack of gauze handy to wipe off discharge from my skin when it was leaking when I was cleaning myself between bags.

Finally, my own little trick: I took a small garbage bag (the small type, similar to a grocery bag in size 8 gallon maybe?) and tuck it into my underpants and spread it open. I would then tape the bag to my skin to prevent leakage to my underwear. This way while I was changing appliances my stoma could leak all it wanted but it would never soil my underwear and the output would always land safely in the bag. Any other leakage between the stoma and the tape would be promptly cleaned by one of the gauzes I had on hand.

Maybe it's just me, but I always showered with the old bag on and changed to a new one when the rest of my body was clean. Using my bag method helped keep me clean. :)
So sorry to hear what you are going through. I was told long ago that you have to consider "troubles" as speed bumps and look ahead. Glean something from everything that happens and it will keep your head healthy and you will not become as sad when perceived negative things do happen. I say perceived because while we go through things, they can look negative, but when we are on the other side of it, after it has passed, we almost always realize it was for the better. Getting your period at least lets you know it is still working! Separating, while sad, may help you get a different perspective. There IS a bright side, but we have to find it. Search and you will find it! My father in law always says you know it is a good day, since you woke up.

You have a brand new year ahead of you within the next week. Make it a great year by planning ahead and seeing what changes you want to make; whether it be healthy choices or other life choices. Keep you chin up; it will get better!
Ugh talk about terrible timing! So sorry to hear for everything that you're going through, but hopefully periods will only last a couple of days so you can cross one thing off your list. (I know, I know: Silver lining, but I find it's definitely best if you can try to find the good in every situation, no matter how sticky it may be). Good luck!
Oh sweetheart! So many things at once, and xmas on top of it. When my periods came back after the surgery, Stan always got more active.

And all the other stress you are going thru as well. May 2012 bring you more happiness and peace, and of course...great health!


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