Toilet difficulty

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Feb 15, 2011
toilet difficulty

hello there,
i started humira a week and a half ago and had 4 injections, since then i am not experiencing stomach pains or tiredness but am having toilet trouble, my stools are extremely hard and painful to pass, some are grey in colour and cause alot of bleeding, i was just wondering if anyone else has had this reaction? and if you think it is sensible to take a stool softener?
thanks x
HI There, i haven't been on Humira, but i have had bowel troubles the past few months because my crohn's has flared up. My stools are hard and very painful to pass. so, i did take stool softeners and it worked out fine and i also use to take senekot one or two going to bed. it seemed to soften the stool and move the waste material out of my body. i also used benefibre and it also worked. i hope this helps. best wishes.

Not had that reaction, but have heard of it happening. Have you had your gallbladder scanned/tested?

Are you also taking any opiate painkillers, like codeine or tramadol?
not taking any other medication, or had any scans. i think i will try softeners and see if this helps, thanks for the replys x
lactulose or any osmotic laxative is good (like laxido), although you often need those on prescription. lactulose is a natural sugar that encourages water into the bowel so it sortve washes you out by making stool soft. this can be better than senekot which is an irritant laxative which stimulates the bowels but doesnt make the stool soft (unless you get the senokot which softens and helps you go).

Basically if you ask your pharmacist for an osmotic laxative they're a good natural way to wash through your system.
o thank you i will try give those a go, is just a bit confusing going from going to the toilet 5-6 times a day with ease and now having the opposite problem!
I mentioned gallbladder because a previous member found her 'crohns' was down to a dodgy gallbladder doing the wrong thing. She described being on Humira as feeling her insides were being ripped up by constipation or hard stools. Eventually she had a cholecystectomy and was cured!

Otherwise I've never heard of someone going into such full remission so quickly!
I started Humira again after 8 months break. I take 4 doses last friday, and haven't had BM since!!!! I have a awful feeling in my stomach,i have heart burn, pain in my stomach,lots of going on in there but nothing comes out :D

Is this common side effect after this big dose? When i first started Humira 3 years ago, i just got 2 doses.
Given the number of people on Humira, no, it isn't common but it can happen. Maybe the giving you the loading doses again wasn't such a good plan!
Papaya is a good solution for those who has toilet difficulty.You can eat or drink a glass of papaya juice end of the day.It makes easy in the morning.
I had my first 4 loading doses two weeks ago and my stools have gone from diarrhea to a formed stool. I also had 10 days of Flagyl with that which usually causes diarrhea and it didn't effect me this time. Since going off the Flagyl I have noticed my stools are harder. I make sure I take my fiber everday which softens stools and I also take a stool softner at night before I go to bed if I haven't moved my bowels that afternoon or evening to ensure nothing rips me up on the way out the next morning.

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