Treating a flare without meds?

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May 9, 2011
I'm just wondering if anyone has treated a flare without meds before?

I'm currently breastfeeding my 9 month old and I'm not quite ready to give it up. I strongly suspect I'm at the beginning stages of a flare (only my 2nd one ever, and the 1st was before I knew I had Crohn's). The Dr. wants me to take Prednisone but I'm really don't want to. My symptoms are mild right now - cramps that come in waves. I've been staying away from my triggers trying to allow my body to heal. Do you think that will work or should I start weaning my Dr. in preparation to take the meds?
There have been a few threads about this same issue and unfortunately the best thing is to take care of your health first so you can care for your little one. You don't want the symptoms to get worse. No amount of diet, exercise or supplements will stop a flare. It may alleviate some of your symptoms at first but will not reduce inflammation or anything else. Its easy to say that our symptoms aren't that bad but we can't see what's going on inside and letting it go untreated (without meds) only allows it to get worse. I'd suggest taking your doctor's advice and start weaning so you can start taking your medicine as soon as possible. Best of luck to you both!

Welcome to the forum! :D
I have to agree with Crabby, yes breast milk is wonderful for your baby, but you've done 9 months, which is 9 months more than some mothers are able (or want) to. Your baby is at an age now where milk can becone a supplement rather than the main food. But most of all, your baby needs you! So you need to look after yourself first. Would it be possible to maybe express milk and freeze it, so you can carry on giving a bedtime feed for a little longer (not sure if that's even possible, just throwing an idea out there).
Also, something else just occurred to me. If you are in a flare, you may not absorb all your nutrients properly, which can cause deficiencies (particularly b12, folate and iron are common deficiencies in IBD). In which case your breast milk may also be deficient.
I breast fed my son for one month and that was all--you pass your intelligence to your children through breast milk & antibodies (for the folks who don't know)---my son's IQ is above average. My mother was in the La Leche League and breast fed my sister for a month, me for a year and my little brother until he was three.

For me I think anything longer than a month isn't necessary and I think a week is plenty good as well. I agree with the others----If you aren't absorbing right either is your baby----

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