Treating HPV while on an immunosuppressant

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Feb 5, 2010
Has anyone had any experience or heard of any cases involving people with HPV who were also on an immunosuppressant? I've recently become concerned I may have HPV and have tried doing some research online, but haven't been able to find much.

I've read that HPV usually clears up on its own, but that it can come out of its latent stage if the immune system is somehow compromised (ie biologic, etc.) since it's not known whether the virus ever goes away or if it lies dormant. It seems like it would be difficult, if not impossible, to clear up an HPV infection while having that suppressed immune system.

I JUST started Humira on Tuesday so I am worried how it could affect treatment if I do, in fact, have HPV.

Thankfully, I had a regular visit schedule with my gynecologist this coming Wednesday due to my recent Crohn's diagnosis to discuss birth control options, but I will definitely talk with her about this as well. I'm so overwhelmed. Last thing I need to deal with is another health complication! :(
Human papilloma virus. Should be called the same thing. Can cause cervical cancer and genital warts. Gardasil is supposed to be a vaccine for certain strands. You may have heard of the vaccine on TV.
oh yeah we have the HPV jabs over here. sorry am not quite with it tonight, am very very tired. but thanks anyway.
Thanks for being brave and posting about this. I had a similar concern that I brought up to my GI. Pretty much every single one of us does to some extent.

He told me if I experienced any discomfort or had any concerns to please call him. They have experience with this kind of thing because it is a part of their job. They are not removing our immune system, just suppressing it a bit and there may be some readjustment of pathogen/host but if it requires intervention don't be afraid to call the GI and ask them.
Thanks, Kenny :) I was starting to feel silly to have posted this. I'll definitely see what my gyno has to say (I may not even have HPV) and if it's counterintuitive to my treatment for Crohn's I'll make a call to my GI for sure. I appreciate your response. It feels good to know there are supportive people on this board to confide in. My husband told me he appreciates it too as he is also still learning.
My best friend actually cleared her first case of HPV (after some nasty gyno appt's I'm afraid) and it cleared up for 4 years. 4 years later catches different strain, is taken care of and no cancer worries. Clear PAP's and all....Even the anal ones.

To hopefully not ***or maybe so*** guys who worry about anal hpv how do you think you might have contracted it and have you been diagnosed/treated? Don't want to steal the thread...just something I have had tested as a male and wonder what the ratio of male to female is for HPV tests, probably 10/90 lol...
Males get HPV too, but they often can't be tested for it, and they often don't show signs. This is why so many women get it- no one knows who's passing it on. Men that do present with signs are lucky.

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