Trigger vs flare

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Jan 7, 2011
trigger vs flare

i know that something triggers crohns and colitits, but once in remission does the same thing need to happen to caues a flareup? or once after its triggered can anything really cause a flare up? im hoping that what triggers the disease is the only thing that can also cause another flare up. thanks
Stress is a great trigger for me. Unfortunately, I just can't eliminate all the stress in my life, haha. But there have to be other things that trigger or start a flare. I am not sure if you can isolate one or two things only that might start a flare. Hopefully someone else will come by with a better answer. Sorry!
From my understanding, there has been no definitive cause for crohn's. So what may have triggered the initial flare is a ? I have found (like Nytefyre) stress to be the big factor but getting the flu, being run down, fistulas acting up, too much sugar, more than three days of high particulates in the air..........I do truly hope for you that it is only one thing. I will keep my fingers crossed for ya.