Trouble concentrating

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Mar 23, 2007
I have noticed it for many months, my ability to concentrate and my short term memory are pretty poor.

I find I'm having more difficulty speaking to people; I stutter a lot (I never used to), and sometimes I say things that make no sense. It feels like my thoughts are having more difficulty being transformed into words. Also, when I am talking to people I often forget what I was talking about. When people talk to me I usually "zone out" and lose track of what they are saying. When people give me simple tasks to complete I usually have to go back and ask them to remind me of what it was they had wanted me to do (if I even remembered that I had a task I was supposed to do.)

I know these things can be normal, but I think the frequency and severity I am having is not normal. It seems that sometimes it's a lot worse than other times. There was a point where it was so bad that my family, when they wanted me to do something for them, would speak very slowly, making sure to enunciate every word they said so I wouldn't forget (and it didn't always work). It made me feel stupid, and made me realise that I'm not the only one who noticed my poor memory.

I never used to be like this... I wonder if maybe there is something I'm not absorbing properly? If there is some essential vitamin my brain isn't getting enough of? I had 2 feet of intestine removed a year ago(which I think included the ileum? I forget... haha)

I have a B-12 shot every month. I wonder if maybe there is something else I should be taking?
Me too. There was a study in the news earlier this year that found that people with chronic pain have diminished brain activity regardless of what is causing their chronic pain. It's clearly visible on the electrographs of the brain they use. We really can't concentrate as well even when we're not experiencing pain right at that moment.
Colt said:
Me too. There was a study in the news earlier this year that found that people with chronic pain have diminished brain activity regardless of what is causing their chronic pain. It's clearly visible on the electrographs of the brain they use. We really can't concentrate as well even when we're not experiencing pain right at that moment.

That's very interesting. I've had that problem also. But I've thought it was because of my job, living on the road 2-3 weeks at a time having limited interaction with people. Last year I was taking college courses online to keep my brain active and need to start doing that again. I also listen to a lot of audiobooks and podcasts that force me to think.
i go through phases like that too - i think particularly when i'm worrying over something, or if i really don't feel well.

it seems like a shut-off of my mind.. i kinda go into myself and don't take on board everything that people are saying to me.. i often joke that i have a memory like a string vest, or it must be my old age - but the truth is i am usually quite an alert person with a great memory. i just joke to make light of it, but it's not a nice feeling, especially when other people notice.
Anemia can cause these symptoms... so can pred. I know how you feel though. I will go to say something and then completely forget what I was going to say. I feel like my mind is scrambled and I'm trying to fish for the pieces to put together coherent sentences.
katiesue1506 said:
Anemia can cause these symptoms... so can pred. I know how you feel though. I will go to say something and then completely forget what I was going to say. I feel like my mind is scrambled and I'm trying to fish for the pieces to put together coherent sentences.

I do this all the time! Just lastnight I was trying to tell my husband something that happened and I totally forgot what I was going to say. It is like my mind just gets zapped and goes blank.

My doctor did tell me I was a little bit anemic.
my brain is really slow as well these days, LOL most people dont notice;)

my main concern about it is when i'm driving i find it really hard to keep concentrating on the road.
Although no memory problems here (actually my fault is it's abnormally accurate, I was told), but I have to be medicated for concentration issues, racing thoughts is mainly the issue. I can be reading and mid sentence start thinking about 14 other things and not realize it until 20 seconds later, and have to start the sentence over. Oddly enough it usually doesn't affect writing or speaking really. Sometimes during a movie I'll miss a couple minutes because something in the movie will trigger a childhood set of memories or some other movie, and 2 minutes later I kick out of it, stearnly blink my eyes and shake my head slightly, and remember I need to focus- might even rewind the movie some if I'm alone because I have no clue what happened just then.

Another bad thing is riding in a car, my mind won't shut off ever, but it's worse then for some reason, I think it's the constantly scrolling scenery sending me off somewhere else. It'll go off on a Crohnillion (hey it's a number now, comes after diarrhillion) different thoughts and ideas, everything from private art projects I've got ideas for, work, the gf, movies, the gym, bowel movements, finances, maybe even the Crohns forum....and before I know it, the driver is at our destination. My gf really is concerned by this, and it frustrates her that I'll get in the car and ride with her to someplace when she's driving, and after 20 times going there, I still might not know the whole route. I have too active a mind and it's a problem. Driving myself isn't so bad, obviously I have to watch where I go for that, it's completely different, maybe from necessity?

Trazodone is the new one I've been prescribed for this issue....anyone else have this, almost like ADD or something (was told it's not, but who knows)?
You totally described me!!!! You are describing A.D.D. symptoms to the T, there is a supplement called Ginko Biblo I believe which is suppose to help your brain work faster, who knows might be worth a try.
Benson... I suggest you take an IQ test, you may be surprised by the result!
Then... start writing a book, or if you don't fancy that, take up painting, or learn a musical instrument, or formulate a plan for world domination.
Your brain will still be racing, but it'll let some of the creativity out.
Hope this comes across OK... it's meant to be encouragement, not a criticism.
Agent X20 said:
Benson... I suggest you take an IQ test, you may be surprised by the result!
Then... start writing a book, or if you don't fancy that, take up painting, or learn a musical instrument, or formulate a plan for world domination.
Your brain will still be racing, but it'll let some of the creativity out.
Hope this comes across OK... it's meant to be encouragement, not a criticism.

Comes across fine, thanks. It sometimes makes me feel inept at simple life tasks and actually makes me feel dumb sometimes. Actually I got an IQ test result far above the curve, from 2 years ago, and got a $15 IQ result-assessment packet, 26 pages long for free because I scored quite high (158), they sent me an email; said I was in the top 5 percentile (not to brag)....they say my results are similar to "the visionary philosophers Benedict Spinoza and Plato" and state I'm best suited for "Archaeology, Detective, Psychologist, Sculptor, Architect, City Planner, and Chief executive" work. Regardless, I started a book akin to JD Sallinger's Catcher in the Rye, only about 14 pages in, and that was after it's 2004 inception. I do freelance drawings, but that can get restrictive, because I'm drawing something to the benefit of someone else's house or family photo....I like to draw things for me, but then again that doesn't earn me the money that my freelance stuff does. Now, the world domination, haven't thought of that....where to begin? Public restrooms? I also take Zoloft and was advised that can make the racing thoughts worse, but I suffer from bipolar issues and that's why I take it. I don't mean to sound pompous by explaining this, but it's a struggle trying to get a grip with my thoughts, and I feel dumber rather than smarter when I can't finish a sentence or pay attention as a car passanger.

Some of those questions are funky: If some Wicks are Slicks, and some Slicks are Snicks, then some Wicks are definitely Snicks. The statement is: True, False, Neither.....I end up drawing Venn Diagrams to answer the questions on a notepad :D :ybatty:
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Hi Benson. A score of 158, would put you in the top 1 percentile (according to Mensa, the brainy persons' society... and if I remember correctly) The problem with a high IQ, in my opinion, is like a high performance sports car... it really goes fast but doesn't tick over very well and tends to overheat. But at least the creative activities can keep you busy if you're not up to physical activity. A bit over-simplified, but there you go.

The question is interesting, it's a syllogistic argument, but the first two premises are indefinite, so you cannot conclude that some Wicks are definitely Snicks... they might be, but that is outside the scope of the argument, so I'd have to conclude that the statement is neither true nor false. But I might be wrong!

Anyway... I'm getting the hell off this thread, as it's supposed to be about trouble concentrating, which I also suffer from!

Good luck with the stuff you're doing. Don't give up on the writing, I went back to it after a 30 year gap, heh! heh!
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BWS1982 said:
Some of those questions are funky: If some Wicks are Slicks, and some Slicks are Snicks, then some Wicks are definitely Snicks. The statement is: True, False, Neither.....I end up drawing Venn Diagrams to answer the questions on a notepad :D :ybatty:

Agent X20 said:
The question is interesting, it's a syllogistic argument, but the first two premises are indefinite, so you cannot conclude that some Wicks are definitely Snicks... they might be, but that is outside the scope of the argument, so I'd have to conclude that the statement is neither true not false. But I might be wrong!

:yrolleyes: :sign0085:

lol - when i get to those kind of questions, i read "If some.." then have an urge to click out of the page..
Yes, but ask me who won the last FA cup, or even the world cup, and I wouldn't have a clue... honest!

I studied Philospophy (and English Lit) at University, and syllogisms (A=B, B=C. therefore A=C) were a way of passing the time... we didn't have computer games back then!
Hey Agent, yes, I came to the same answer as you, because I concluded that it could be true OR false (I say neither), and I had to contest with what the IQ test said on the answer key, it stated the answer is false, and their reasoning stated:

Because the same Slicks that are also Wicks may not be the same Slicks that are also Snicks, we can draw no firm conclusions from the information given that there is a direct relationship between Snicks and Wicks. It is possible that some Wicks may also be Snicks, but you cannot correctly make the statement "some Wicks are definitely Snicks." Therefore, answer option "B," or False, is the right answer.

I disagree, they had the option of Neither, and that was the most fitting in my eyes, because as they and you even explained, it's possible that both scenarios can be true, thus, it's neither false nor true, it's both because there's not enough information to rule out the two possibilities....I've whipped up a JPEG to illustrate the two ways that you can interpret the question in some basic Venn diagrams...


The overlapping areas of colors represent the "some ____ are ______", and if you read the question carefully, you can see that each of my drawings could be valid, based on interpretation of the question. I chose to post this question above because of it's gray areas and complexity.

Anyone's heads steaming yet?
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Isla said:
I have a high IQ as well but it isn't really oppressive because my emotional IQ is that of a child. The bottom of the EQ test I was given was 54, I obtained a whopping 57. When I say that I am emotionally retarded I am being utterly and totally honest. I am exceedingly dumb in certain regards, but that is ok - it is part of who I am and part of what makes me, well me. It only made me realize that being brilliant intellectually, socially, or emotionally isn't everything and doesn't equate to anything more than the importance you give it. So I may be smarter than some and dumber than others - in the grand scheme of things, it isn't worth much - to me at least.

/Socially retarded geeks unite!

I've never taken an EQ test. Can you get negative numbers? :tongue:
Benson: I would say we know better than the IQ testers. The first part of their "official answer" seems to support our answer, then they go and say it's false ???? don't think they've thought it through!

Isla: Emotional IQ... don't even go there, I'm sure a low score comes with the territory... I suspect I'd score a 53!

I've read some stuff on what a high IQ actually means... what it really means is that you're really good at doing IQ tests! The fall out for me is that I firmly believe there is an intellectual solution to every problem, which works fine at work, for example... but it's not so good for some of the other "slings and arrows" that life throws at you... hence the low EQ
Haven't taken other tests instead of IQ, the only "quotient" I've had an exam on is the "intelligence" but I'm betting I wouldn't fare as well in the others. I can muster up some perceptive social observations when I need to, depending on the situation or reason, but most times I'm nervous on the inside. I actually am good in sales because I'm very adept at sensing people's inclinations and doubts, and telling them what they need to hear to get what I want out of them. Very successful in that job the last couple years I've done it. I know how to cater my discussion to the individual and their personality, even if at times it has to be an act. But, I was horrible with girls until later than most guys, and I'm that "shy at first, but warms up later" type. Very much an introvert. I need to feel out the element first. Emotionally, I've got a good bit of issues too, to put it generally.

One thing that is frustrating is my lack of worldly exposure. Read: I have issues going too far out of my comfort zone....I'm neither a city boy, nor a country bumpkin...I'm kind of nested awkwardly somewhere in between. True story: I didn't know what the hell I should do at the exact moment it happened, but I encountered a homeless guy downtown Chicago (only 45 minutes southeast) and he was trying to shine my shoes as my girlfriend and I were trekking from some stores to a restaurant on foot 2 years ago. I stopped and told him no thank you, he persisted and started explaining his process as he continued to follow me and kept trying to polish my shoes. I kept telling no I'm fine, and kept walking away a bit, but he kept going after me. I knew he was just being persistent and I thought he'd give up eventually, but I was scared to be abrupt with him because I didn't know how armed/dangerous the guy was, or what he would interpret as offensive, etc...So I tried to do what I could. The whole time my girlfriend was ahead of me by about 15 yards, speedwalking, because she was more familiar with the city and its inhabitants, she's been there exponentially more times, and traveled the world because her dad worked for United Airlines for a long time. She was trying to get me to hurry up and yelling at me the whole time, and I at the time didn't know what she wanted me to do differently. She explained later that if you completely ignore them, not even speak to them, they get the hint. Because I kept stopping for a brief second because he got in my way and bent down to shine my shoes and I didn't want to accidentally kick his hand or whatever, he figured he had a shot at mooching some dough out of me for his "services". Who was I to know, I'm what many would call globally sheltered. I've only thoroughly stepped foot on like 15-17 states in the US tops, and the only time I've left the country was on a VERY brief stop at/around the Vancouver I.N. Airport on our way back from an Alaskan Vacation last year.
John likes 400 but not 300; he likes 100 but not 99; he likes 3600 but not 3700. Which does he also like:

I suspect it might be a lateral thinking problem rather than a mathematical calculation. I can't see that it's anything to do with roman numerals.

Ironic that it's on the "trouble concentrating" thread!
Sandy is both the 500th best and the 500th worst student at her school. How many students attend her school?

Pen said:
I think 900 because 100, 400, 900, and 3600 have square roots, (10, 20, 30, 60) where as none of the numbers do. And you can incorporate all four numbers into an equation to solve for each number:

(400 x 900)/3600 = 100
(3600 x 100)/900 = 400
(3600 x 100)/400 = 900
(400 x 900)/100 = 3600

And also, using the square roots, you can produce 900:

(60 x 30 x 10)/20 = 900

Benson if this is NOT the answer, could you give us the answer and prove it! :ycool: Please!

There's other commonalities, such as these, but the base one that leads to others has to do with square roots. The options for the other possible answers have decimalized results. Everything he likes has an even square.

In my own words: Because she overlaps 2 of the "students" positions, being both at the same time, IE: she's the 500th best (# 500/999) and the 500th worst (better than 499, 499 places are after her in descending order, # 999 is the worst)....499 + 500 = 999

It would be impossible for her to have both qualities with any of the other answers...

But as a consolation prize, you've won a glorious vacation package for 2 to.............................CANADA!!!!!
Agent X20 said:
OK... quickie...
What 4 letter word reads the same the right way up and upside down?
Stick to capitol letters.


(now word puzzles I excel at)

It can be read correctly forward, backward, and upsidedown