Hey! Brand new here! Wondering if anyone has gone through something similar... My husband and I had just begun TTC in June. A few weeks after going off of the pill I began having a lot of blood in my stool. They sent me for a colonoscopy right away as I have family history of colon cancer (Dad and Aunt both passed from it). I was diagnosed with Crohn's and was told to stop TTC until we can get the inflammation under control. I went for a second opinion and disappointingly she said the same thing. She said my body is too focused on fighting the inflammation to focus on growing a baby and there are more health risks involved, greater chance of miscarriage, malnutrition etc. My Crohn's is currently moderate and limited to the large intestine (reading all of your posts breaks my heart thinking that it so much worse for so many others and that my case could potentially become worse). I am taking 4 tablets of Lialda daily and met with a nutritionist to figure out a new diet. The diet is driving me nuts as I never know what is going to set off my angry intestines and her advice doesn't always work out for my tummy. But what is killing me the most is not being able to TTC. I haven't ovulated (took tests everyday) or had my period since going off the pill (well, one day in July I had bleeding and cramps but def not the full, usual period). I don't know if it's my body still getting used to being off the pill or the stress from the last few months with doctors appointments or the inflammation. I feel like going to the OBGYN now would be a waste of time? - prob not much the OBGYN would say regarding fertility since there is a lot of inflammation in the large intestine and that my GI wants me to stop trying to conceive right now. We just scheduled a follow up colonoscopy for October to see if the Lialda is working as well as an endoscopy to make sure it hasn't spread there. But I'm so worried I am going to have a really had time conceiving if i get the green light in October. I am 34 and it feels like I am running out of time, you know? I regret waiting this long to try start a family and did not think I would hit a roadblock the second we started TTC. I naively assumed it would be easy