Trying to figure this out...

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Feb 28, 2008
Ok so I'm trying to figure out my fickle stomach.

I've been on Predinsone for 2 weeks (well a few days shy.) I am NOT having any improvement in my stomach pain.

So I have to face the fact I am going to have to adjust my diet.

I do know that Boost, the energy/supplement drink is SAFE.
The past few mornings I have been drinking one of those for breakfast with my Predinsone pills. That seems to get me through the morning a'ok.

It's only in the afternoons, after I eat lunch do I start to hurt so dang bad, so it has to be what I'm eating right? :ymad:

I know dairy can be a trigger for me. So I've been trying to kinda avoid that.

But like today I had a sandwich, roast beef, lettuce, tomato, bread mayo and iced tea ...then later I had a soy milk chai latti...which damn near killed me with stomach pain. Now earlier this week I was using the chai's for breakfast to take the pills and that was working out, so I dont know what it was this afternoon, the chai or the sammich that set me off but dang.

I just don't know what to do.
Roast beef.... oh, not so good... hard to digest. Lettuce... fresh green veggies.. again not so good.. Tomato... fresh, with seeds... ditto, not so good. Mayo.. I'm betting it was not fat free... again, the nasties inside of us LOVE fat. Try to limit your fat intake to a healthy minimum. Iced tea? Real iced tea with inherant caffiene, and possibly sweetened with white, processed sugar. All of those are off my list... can't have them. Unfortunately, when the GI tract is under attack, some of us have to watch what we eat else we pay for it. And I'm not just talking about immediate impact from pains, nausea, cramps

but also the potential long term extra stress we are putting on a damaged GI system... They can't transplant one of those if we add to the damage from IBD
Yes all very true. I told my hubby tomorrow I am going to start clean. What I mean by that is all liquids tomorrow to give my system a rest and then slowly work up and introduce foods into my system to see what is safe and what is not.

I'm not looking forward to it but its my only choice.
Well, there are any number of online resources to assist with dietary concerns of IBD. And, if it's practical/feasible (financially or otherwise) then consulting with a good 'IBD' experienced dietician or nutrition counselor can be of great assistance.
sorry Kittee, but I find it entertaining when southerners say "sammich" ever since Larry the Cable Guy became famous, that's all I can think about whenever I see it... :ycool:

I'm quite confused here. Can I know what kind of food can be eaten so the pain in the stomach will be less? Just confused about the food part..
hi lily. long-term diets can vary from one crohns sufferer to the next, what suits one doesnt always suit another etc.. but as a general rule, when the crohns is bad, its a good idea to resort to a light diet, low residue, and cut out things like spicy foods, acidic food/drinks, and fried fatty food.

things like soup, soft bread, mashed potato, soft chicken & fish etc are usually a good starting point, then try introducing other things one by one & see if you're ok on them. anything which would take a lot of digesting such as raw vegetables, potato skins, nuts, sweetcorn etc are foods to be avoided, certainly if your crohns is flaring. although some people once they're stabilised, can tolerate some of these.
Just to briefly add to that... anything that would cause gas to increase, or gave you heartburn or indigestion BEFORE you became ill, you should avoid for now. A lot of things look innocent, but can cause problems. Like, everyone knows corn kernals don't digest well... but so can kernal shells buried inside of popcorn. and speaking of pop, soda pop or any carbonated beverage can increase problems. go with a bland, soft diet... record everything you eat, then watch for the next 24 - 48 hours to see how your body reacts to it. Cabbage is known to be problematic, but even something like the skin on peas can be a problem inside of you. Anything with pits, seeds, stones are a potential issue.
Fibre rich foods are something to avoid while inflammed or flaring. Constipation indicates a switch to a softer diet, or a liquid diet (till it clears). If you can swing it, see if you can meet with an IBD trained/experienced nutritionist/dietician.
I had a dream where I was eating popcorn, kept thinking I shouldn't be eating but it tasted so good. Then I woke up and was relieved I wasn't really eating it.
Since I've got this disease it odd how often I dream of eating. One time in a dream me and a friend were robbing a butterfinger factory.

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