Two bowel preps in a week!

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Oct 18, 2012
Hi all,

So as some of you will remember I present a pretty wierd and asyptomatic case of CD, though I supposedly have inflammation in the TI part of my intestines. I was told by my GI that they were going to have a thorough look around inside me to see how i'm doing, so an MRI and Colonoscopy was scheduled.

Had the MRI booked the next day then didn't hear anything for a few weeks, so I assumed they were both going to be on the same day, January 11th. Got a call this morning, colonoscopy for the 15th of Jan.

This means that I will have to bowel prep on the 10th, hospital on the 11th, day in bed recovering on the 12th, 13th off, bowel prep on the 14th and colonoscopy on the 15h. This on top of a huge amount of work I want to get done for uni, all due on the 21st, who'd be me ey? :ybiggrin:

Quick question, do different disese locations have different syptoms, or is it a luck of the draw type scenario. For example would my TI inflammation typically present differently to someone with Proctitis? I know that i'm more likely to be B12 defficient, but outside of that?
Yuck! Sorry about the double bowel prep mess :puke_r:

I can only tell you with assurance is that with regards to the colon & small intestine, and terminal ileum diarrhea and abdominal pain are most common. If there is blood present in your stool, the color of the blood that passes in your stool, it will help indicate where inflammation/ulceration is strongest (bright blood = lower in the intestines, the darker the blood = higher up in areas such as terminal ileum, small intestine, stomach, etc). Abscesses, fistulas and abdominal obstructions are likely as well in these three areas. Small intestine crohns may also provide discomfort to certain foods more easily than crohns in the large intestine. I only have crohns in my terminal ielum and colon and I find that when I pass food through that area, I can feel a great deal of local pain if I am mid-flare.

I do not have stomach, esophageal or oral crohns so I cannot provide experience in these areas but I can say that I have learned on here that those with crohn's in the stomach/duodenum area and up in the small intestine have reported more of an urgency right after they eat and will experience pain more quickly after they eat. Oral crohns may have these primary symptoms: (1) diffuse labial, gingival, or mucosal swelling; (2) cobblestoning of the buccal mucosa and gingiva; (3) aphthous ulcers; (4) mucosal tags; and (5) angular cheilitis (SOURCE:
I've never had blood in my stool fortunately. I was just curious as to whether people with Crohn's in the TI for example are less likely to present with D which might explain why I don't display syptoms.

I do have Orofacial syptoms, but I don't have Oral Crohn's as far as i'm aware, if thats at all possible? I have none of the syptoms you mentioned for Oral Crohn's, just swollen lips attributed to my CD. Thanks again Chicago, you're a fanastic resource.
yep its called extraintestinal manifestations. I get puffy, bleeding gums and canker sores when I have a flare. I also get eczema and had uveitis once (a not too common eye condition).

There are a few rare crohnies around here that experience constipation or no diarrhea at all. Its tricky because you really never know what to expect from this dang disease...almost anything is possible....smh.
Intersting that you noted eczema, i've had a pretty persistent dry skin/eczema/fungal rashes over the last few years which always goes away with cream but will always come back. I wonder if that's related.

I've never had diarrhea really, though I have noticed recently that my stools are...looser for lack of a better word. I rarely ever go more than once a day though and just as often I go every other day. Funny old disease, Crohns.
I personally would just stay on a liquid diet for the whole duration so I would only have to do one prep! That or I would make them reschedule the tests for the same day! That is not even healthy to do those type preps so close toegther. It will just wipe out your good gut flora and leave you more suseptible from what I would think. I am kind of suprised they would schedule the tests like that. Maybe you can ask them or tell them you want to have the tests on the same day so you only have to do one prep..
I just popped in to offer my greatest sympathies (TWO preps? And all that work to do, as well? Teach me to be as strong as you are!) and to say that my Crohn's is in my TI and I have only ever had D related to Crohn's (because, you know, who doesn't get food poisoning?) once, before diagnosis. Other than that, my symptoms are pain and weight loss. Interestingly, one of my GIs called me "interesting" because of that, which led me to doubt what he really knew about Crohn's. Needless to say, I was quite glad when he dropped me!

I hope all goes well with your testing, though! :D
I personally would just stay on a liquid diet for the whole duration so I would only have to do one prep! That or I would make them reschedule the tests for the same day! That is not even healthy to do those type preps so close toegther. It will just wipe out your good gut flora and leave you more suseptible from what I would think. I am kind of suprised they would schedule the tests like that. Maybe you can ask them or tell them you want to have the tests on the same day so you only have to do one prep..

I did question that, they said they're different types of bowel prep so they can't be done together. I couldn't argue otherwise as I have no understanding, but isn't taking a laxative and shitting everything out pretty much the same no matter how you dress it up?
Yeah, I mean that makes no sense. I mean they want you to have empty bowels, what does it matter what the prep is?? I am certain it is because they just did not schedule you on the same day. That is awful for you though. Maybe eat very light or something so that maybe you wont have to do much prep... Good luck and hope all goes well.
lhurt makes a good suggestion.

I would probably recommend to eat clean, light (think brothy soups and salads) for majority of the week if you can handle it. That way you might not have to do much heavy prepping for the second round because you will already be reasonably cleared.

Best of luck.
Thats a great suggestion, i'll try and go with that. Is taking a high strength laxative going to do me damage if I take it with little inside me though?

On a positive note, it will mean by the end of this hellish couple of days I won't have any more tests hanging over my head, hopefully...
After your first procedure maybe you can tell the doctor about your situation and that you have another test coming up that requires the clean out. Then tell him your plan is to stay with a mostly liquid light diet until the other test. Maybe you wont have to drink all that stuff then, maybe just a little. I would maybe talk to the doc about it. Not sure if it would be damamging to the intetsines, I dont think so, it would just pass through you.. Good Luck and I hope all goes well....

QUOTE=Jam300;561144]Thats a great suggestion, i'll try and go with that. Is taking a high strength laxative going to do me damage if I take it with little inside me though?

On a positive note, it will mean by the end of this hellish couple of days I won't have any more tests hanging over my head, hopefully...[/QUOTE]