Type of pain

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The main type of pain you have

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Oct 23, 2012
Wirral, UK
I am interested in what type of pain we mainly suffer - see poll.

Also where do people mainly get their pain:-

LHS = left hand side - lower or upper quadrant
RHS = right hand side - lower or upper quadrant
Central tummy area
Lower pelvic area

Do you generally have to take medications for your pain or can you do without?

Thanks in anticipation :ghug:
Shooting, stinging and throbbing are the closest to the type of pain I get during a flare. Its hard to describe pain that makes you want to vomit. Glad I haven't felt it in a long time.
I get a dull ache and cramping pain in the abdomin after a bm. I get burning and stinging sometimes in the rectal area from an active fissure. I get cramping and sometimes a burning pain after eating, or drinking.

I use hot packs, vicoden, tramadol, tylenol, and lydocain on my rump.
I voted stitch-like, dull ache and shooting. These describe the two kinds of pain I experience most often, but I have felt something like all of the options.

The dull ache has happened all over my stomach. The stitch-like, shooting pain is pelvic area. It's very intense, extremely sharp, stabbing pain that comes in waves.

I don't take medication for it. The dull ache I can deal with. I can typically handle the other pain as well, because it doesn't usually last very long. By the time any medication was absorbed, it would have quit on its own. Not to mention the fact that I probably couldn't manage to find or swallow anything anyway - it's sometimes almost paralyzing.
I have had stitch-like pain, dull pain and shooting pain, almost always on my lower right abdomen. I took pain pills some of the time when it got to be too much but tried not to take too often, either vicodin or tramadol. Both work, tramadol takes longer to kick in.
I'm not diagnosed yet. I get burning/sharp pain in the lower left side. I get throbbing/cramping pain in the middle belly area. The meds I have for my symptoms are Zofran, Phenergan, Ginger pill, or Motrin.
feels like menstral cramps to me which i told the er doc when i went a few months ago. i was emphatic that it wasnt menstral pain as it wasnt in the right spot and that it wasnt the right "time" for me to be experiencing the cramps.

hurt a million times worse:ybatty:
I have had several different kinds of pain. From a really sharp pain in my lower right right that makes my skin so sensitive to touch that it hurts even more because of my clothes rubbing on the area. I have even had pain that felt like my testicles were just kicked. And then finally the type that drops you to your knees and not be able to stand. That was deffinitly the worst.
Does yours drop you to the ground? Doc hasn't done an updated upper GI yet but doctors act like if they don't see anything the pains not there....
Always lower right..
Sharp take your breath away
Sometimes just a dull ache
The squeeze your intestines discription
Is pretty right on
Mine is sharpest in lower right quadrant, where I have a fistula and visibly active disease on x rays. When bad, though, I also have a dull ache thruout lower abdomen.
None of the above. My pain is "like I am passing razor blades or glass" when my rump is in a flair. By my rump, I mean rectum/anus area. Now on good day, no pain.
It always feels like someone is always trying to make balloon animals with my intestines! Sharp, stabbing, cramping pains. Mostly in the central left hand side. Has dropped me to my knees on more than one occasion....
Shooting, burning, stabbing pain in middle to lower left side. Just got over a flare up, which is how I got diagnosed. Hope it never happens that bad again.
Voted cramping and shooting pain. I get shooting pains on right side just below ribs and left side just above hip. The pain in the ash, that is an entirely different pain, feels as if someone is enjoying ramming a cactus in and out rapidly! Especially today ugh
When I try and describe the pain, the worst I've had (suppressing screams/made me throw up) was like my insides were being crushed, with the pain getting worse and worse with no end in sight. Milder (relative to the above) pains feel like my insides are rotting, or as if there's a throbbing hole where the edges are being pulled off so the hole is growing. Both tend to be central/LHS, around the belly button or slightly lower.

Very occasionally I have much smaller, sharper throbbing pains. This can be RHS or LHS.

I've tried paracetemol (didn't work) and ibuprofen (before I knew this was bad, and it made me throw up anyway so also didn't work). Before diagnosis neither GP nor gastroenterologist would prescribe pain medication, even though I was almost in tears and begging. I gather pretty much all of them can have significant downsides with intestinal issues?

On a much more tolerable note, it often leads to a lot of lower back pain. But this is nothing in comparison. I'm glad you started this poll (ages ago) as I'd never had any serious pain before Crohn's bar a pulled ligament behind my knee which left me limping for a month, and wanted to know how people who've had more physical pain compare it.
I get sharp aches when I have Crohn's flares.

Only pain killers that work for me is oxycodone or morphine.

When I get pains I have to keep checking myself into a hospital because it is the only way anyone will prescribe me strong enough pain meds.
Cramping, sometimes throbbing, and a really intense, dull ache for me. Sometimes the pain is referred to my lower back, similar to back labor which I had with my three children (like someone was grinding the bones in my back). After my hospitalization with another partial obstruction last spring I could barely walk. It took a week to get the pain under control.
I get cramping when its not bad and stitch style pain when its bad. One that wasnt there is when i have a obstruction that comes in waves like contractions. That pain is torturous! Like a lightening strike in your stomach but mine has always been in my whole stomach more than one side. Even though my stricture is in the terminal ileum.
For me the pain is usually all over the lower abdomen and it takes your breath away as well as bring me to my knees. It's always quite sharp and long lasting.

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