He said he could remove my tonsils on the spot but he hadn't done it before.
Said I need to see an ENT for that so another referral there. I'll ask my GP for one on Friday.
He didn't want to try a higher dose of Humira as it will likely just keep me sick which is not good. Also said that Remicade doesn't get as many people sick with upper resp infections like Humira does and he's hopeful that it'll get me back to feeling 100% because I did show improvement during the loading doses of Humira.
How do I feel about it? I feel like I'm running out of options. I feel like I'll eventually wind up flaring again, just a matter of when. I'm also a little annoyed that my GI is playing less of a roll. He doesn't even know that I'm coming off the Humira. He got his appointment set up a week after I saw the Rheumy. So my Rheumy is playing GI which I don't mind, I think he's pretty good at it. Was the first to tell me to stop the 6MP as it was affecting my liver and was the first to listen to me and take what I had to say seriously rather than tack on the IBS label on top of Crohn's like my GI tried to do.
Its a little weird going from the more minor drugs and heading towards the "big guns." I think I would have preferred the top down approach honestly but these meds weren't around back then. It almost feels like a flare in a way since the meds keep changing all the time and I keep feeling different due to side effects yet I know I'm not in a flare. Just with all the appointments and drugs, it feels like flare time. All I need now is to be hospitalized and it'll be like a real flare.
Don't want any of that of course.
My husband doesn't understand why I'm going on these harsher meds. What do you want me to do? Go off my meds? No? Then what other choices do I have? You tell me. He's got nothing but still doesn't understand. He didn't freak out over Humira for some reason. Just freaking out cause its an infusion? I was stabbing myself in the stomach every other week.
I dunno. I'm excited yet don't like the idea cause its an unknown to me. I've never taken it before and don't know anyone personally who has. I feel like a newcomer on the forum all of the sudden.
This post was longer than intended. Hope you were bored.
Look at all the
faces. I'm masking my fear with humor.