Well we took my son to the dr today and he said he had moderate Crohn's disease. He put him on Prednisone 40 mgs, Cipro 500mg twice a day, and Asacol 800 mg twice a day. He said he wants to get on it hard to see if he can get him in remission in a couple of months. I thought he had quit smoking but found out today that he had been sneaking some here and there. He had a bad episode this morning that lasted about 30 minutes. He hurt so bad he couldn't get off the toilet to get back to bed and I had to come home from work. After it passed he was fine. The doctor talked to him about smoking today and told him that would affect whether his meds work or not. I am just praying he will make the right decision. I use to smoke so I know how hard it is to quit but sometimes you don't have a choice. He don't go back for 3 months unless he needs to. He told him to stay on the Aciphex for his gastritis as well.