Update from the hospital

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Feb 5, 2010
Wel, I'm writing from the hospital with an update. I made an unplanned visit Monday morning fter having anoher horrible weekend of stomach cramps and spasms. Monday morning I woke up around 5 am and felt nauseous and threw up. Two hours later I threw up again and knew it was time to make a visit to the ER since my PCP and GI's offices weren't open yet.

It was pretty quiet when we first got there at 7am and we were taken to an ER room right away. One doctor visit later and I was scheduled to get another CT scan much to my dismay. Though I knew it was necessary to figure out what was going on. I was actually hoping they WOULD see something rather than nothing and just send me home with a laxative or something. Blood results came back normal (which I was glad about since 2 weeks prior my WBC count had come out "low"), but the scan showed a partial obstruction. We waited 5 hours in the ER before they could find me a room....in PEDIATRICS. Haha! It actually was a quieter floor than I imagined it would be and other perks include a Wii, DVD player with movies, and doggie visits! Yes, a cute guy called Chubs came and sat on my bed and tried to lick my face. So cute! One thing my husband, Alan, didn't like is that I already look young as it is, so of course since I was put on he Pediatrics unit everyone addresses me in that "kid tone" and calls him my "dad." He hates that, haha. And another perk of being a Crohnie...they almost put me with a roommate, but decided not to since I have Crohn's. I'm think it has something to do with the need for access to a bathroom at all times. Lucky me because the room I am in is SO small. No idea how another person would have fit in here.

Anyway...they put me on NPO and decided I should take a round of Entocort to help with inflammation and scheduled an upper GI series barium follow-through this morning. Boy was that a breeze! And I think I as so starved for some kind of nutrition and or drink that I downed those 2 barium drinks very quickly. And the nurse said they improved the flavor so it wasn't as chalky anymore. She was right! It just kinda tasted like extra think strawberry milk! Well, it took about 3 hours total to finish of the test since they had to wait for the barium to get all the way down.

Results came back that there was no long an obstruction, just a lot of inflammation. So, the Entocort seemed to be doing its job. Saw some more docs and they all agreed I could start on a clear liquid diet. So, I enjoyed apple juice, and jell-o, and italian ice. And I'm thinking because I was on the Pediatrics floor they included a nice green lolly pop on my tray, haha! They were talking about me being discharged as early as tomorrow morning possibly after eating some soft foods. I'll most likely be discharged with more Entocort and meeting with my GI ASAP to discuss how to change my meds. I know we were talking about startng the AZA beore I was admitted, but one of the other GIs from the same practice mentioned me possibly even getting weekly shots instead of every other week. So, we'll see what he has to say.

I'm excited to get home and eat! My stomach finally started growing earlier this morning and I was able to pass a semi-formed BM! All white from the barium too, haha.

Anyway, that's what's going on! Hope to update from home the next time!
Hey Marisa
That's some good news! I've been keeping in touch on FB after Alan had left a message!
Hope you're home soon little love
and take care
Glad to hear this news Marisa!! I hope they let you out soon...bet you'll miss those green lollipops though! lol
So glad to hear you are feeling better!! Funny about being in pediatrics... I'm sure you will remember that one for a long time. I wish they would bring dogs around for visits in the grown-up hospital!! Hugs, hope the rest of your ordeal is over soon and you can get back home.
Sorry to hear ya in hospital

but glad the visit has been a reasonbly pleasant one and that you are rapidly on the improve
good luck an keep us all posted on how ya going
hugs an well wishes for ya
Sorry you're so sick! Feel better soon. Lollipops are no replacement for getting to sleep in your own bed.
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Oh, Marisa! I'm so sorry about your hospital visit but glad you are feeling better so soon. I hope they get the meds sorted out for you - didn't you just start on Humira recently? Are you going to stay on that then?

Hope you're back home to your hubber and kitties soon. And back to making interesting food posts to the "what are you eating right now" thread!

Sending hugs your way - Amy
Well, I am HOME! I finally got discharged yesterday at 6 pm. I wish it had been done sooner. I saw the surgeon and a doc form my PCP's office that was doing the rounds and they both thought I was ready to go home that morning. But the GI doc didn't come around until 5pm! Ugh...and once she got there she was like "Want to go home? Great, we don't see any need to keep you longer." I was like "Yeah, no kidding!" Haha

So, basically what they are thinking is that my meds aren't strong enough. I am not sure yet what my GI wants me to do yet, but his colleague that was doing rounds at the hospital mentioned again going to weekly shots of the Humira. So, I am not sure if that would be in combination with starting AZA because we had been talking about that prior to this 2nd trip to the hospital. Or if he's just going to put me on weekly shots and see how I do. I'll find out next Friday when I see him for my follow-up.

The surgeon also seemed to think I may have a fistula again(or it never healed from my first hospital visit). He also thought that the narrowing in my ileum that caused the obstruction was due to scar tissue that would never go away with Humira. It would eventually need to be taken out with surgery. So, for now it's still elective surgery and I just have to be a lot more careful with my diet. Thankfully he sent a dietician up to talk to me about specifics and she gave me some handouts to take home with me as a guide, which really helped. She cleared up some confusion I had too with tryingt certain fruits and veggies once I get off this low-residue diet in 2-3 weeks. So, that was nice. This whole time I'd been limiting myself a lot with foods because I wasn't sure if I was allowed to eat them or not.

So, I'm back on Entocort too until I see my GI, which is fine with me. I don't want to have anymore awful flare-ups any time soon.

Thanks for all the well wishes and to everyone who followed along with my progress on Facebook! :) My husband, Alan, thinks it's great that you guys take the time out to write on my page wit all your support! I think it's great too!

Ames - it might be at least a couple weeks before my posts are interesting on the What are You Eating Right Now? thread since I'm stuck on low-res, haha. ;) But, I'll be on there wishing I could eat what everyone else is eating!
So glad you are home and feeling better!

And if your previous What Are You Eating posts were you "limiting"yourself to certain foods - dang! I want your "limited" diet!

Take it easy and get plenty of rest!

- Amy
Well, maybe that's how I ended up in the hospital, Ames! Haha! MY body still isn't telling me which foods are and aren't okay to eat.
Oh...and I meant limited as in basically the only fruit I ate were apples and canned peaches, as well as limited veggies like green beans, carrots, and maybe broccoli. I had JUST tried bell peppers and seemed to be fine. I also miss eating beans! To me that is limited! ;)

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