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Aug 28, 2011
Well things with Andrew are ticking along nicely. He seems to have recovered completely from the operation and he is now off the Flagyl. We had the follow up appointment with the surgeon who seems cautiously optimistic that the fistula may have healed okay even without the plug. The exterior hole is now no longer visible and I am just hoping it has closed up inside too. Unfortunately the only way to check is to go back under anaesthetic and check, which neither of us really wants, so we are "discharged" from the surgeon just now unless anything else pops up.
Other than that, his bloods are still fine, so we stay on 50mg mercaptopurine. I am handing in a sample for faecal calprotectin on Monday (love catching those :lol2:) as it is the only test that ever shows anything.
After alot of soul searching and worrying, I have decided not to let him have the vaccinations at school (diptheria/tetanus/polio and meningitis C). He has had all his injections until now, and no other kids I know about (in other countries) seem to get a booster at this age anyway. Andrew is doing so well with his Crohn's pretty much under control, I just cannot bring myself to let him get the jags and risk messing up his immune system again. This parenting business is stressful, making these types of decisions - I just hope I don't end up regretting this one! :yrolleyes:
So glad to hear his follow-up was positive. I hope all continues to go well.

I agree this parenting is stressful business!
Sascot, I am so glad he is doing so well!!! It would be so good if the whole fistula was closed even though the plug 'failed'! I know how frustrating it is though to not know exactly what is going on down there!!
I know the surgeon would offer an EUA and I understand why you would not take it; but if you really wanted to know you could ask the Gi for an MRE. If done with an experienced provider it will map things out nicely.
And yeah if you're GP is not pushing the vaccines I wouldn't worry too much. I do know our Dr checks our ds's immunity by bloods for a lot of diseases, can these ones be 'checked'?? That way if he is still showing immunity you can rest easy and have the booster done in the future when he is 'on a break' or changing meds. If he is not in the immune range you can re-discuss this with the Dr, just a thought. I sooo understand how stressful and time consuming these decisions are, and yes 20/20 looking back is so easy when we are looking into the future and balancing risks verses benefits. Thinking of you xx
Thanks for the update Sascot, and what a fab one it is! :dusty::dusty::dusty:

I so hope all continues to go well for Andrew for a very, very long time to come. :)


Dusty. xxx
Still stewing over my decision about the jags. Keep going back and forth wondering if I am doing the right thing! :yrolleyes:
Just wondered if other kids had those injections and seemed okay with it.
I don't think it helps that I truly believe the Dip/tetanus/whooping cough jag caused my daughter's symptoms/suffering. I am so terrified that it will set off his Crohn's again just when school is starting to get busy and they are having to choose subjects, etc. AAAAAH! :ybatty::ybatty:
Hi, Jack brought a letter home before xmas about these jabs I checked with his gi consultant to see if these were safe gor him to have cause I was worried they were live vaccines but they are not live and are safe.. Iam also worried these will upset him now that he is doing so well.
Yay for the good news! So pleased for you guys! - trust your instinct with the jabs if you feel they are not right for him then don't get them done - if you change your mind he can have them at a later stage.
It's safer to have the vaccinations than not. Better to have mild reactions than a full blown course of the disease. But check with his GI to feel sure.
Stressed today. Nothing GI related for a change. Andrew is to get 2 teeth out today - the first time he has ever had to have anything done at the dentist. I hate jags in my mouth so much that I am dreading him having to go through it - he seems okay about it (ignorance is bliss :lol2:).
Has anyone else's kids had teeth out? What is the recovery time?
No teeth out here Sascot but sending loads of luck and well wishes that all goes well! :ghug:

Dusty. xxx
My 9 year old had two teeth out this summer. The worst is the shot, but we do major distraction. They also give "laughing gas" to kids here to calm them down before the numbing shot. His appt was in the morning (9am?) and he was fine by noon. Very quick recovery. He was out playing American football, tackling, and running after lunch.
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Hi Sascot, Jack had they jags at school on wednesday and he was not well through the nite and on thursday but is fine today maybe you are doing the right thing by not getting them I wish I didnt let jack have them im hoping it does not start his crohns off again.
Good luck at the dentist! :eek: I'm like you... thing I hate most is my dental apptmt!!! :ack:

I hope it goes well; Stephen is getting three wisdom teeth removed Feb. 18 (for some reason, he only has three wisdom teeth - BONUS, one less to remove!! :lol:) We were told he would also have 'twilight' (guess the same thing as laughing gas??). Also told people recover within hours (as Mehita mentioned) to a couple of days.
:ybatty::ybatty: After all that worry, we ended up not getting the teeth out. The new dentist was lovely but said that he had 2 options - get them done now, or get referred to the dental hospital and get gas to relax him first.
Of course he chose the gas - so now we wait up to 4 weeks to see someone there. Couldn't they have given us the 2 options 6 weeks ago when I made the appointment to get the teeth out with her!!!!
Nevermind - one less worry just before my operation on Monday!
Good grief! :yfrown:

Sending loads of luck and well wishes for Monday Sascot! :ghug:

Dusty. xxx

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