For thread purposes, I received Shinrix yesterday in BC Canada. I’m under 50 (early 40’s).
Took a bit to get up the gumption, but once I did I called around to find a pharmacy with it in stock. The pharmacist was inclined to turn me away, but once I explained that I’m on month 7 of vaccines prior to biologics for CD, and Shinrix is nearing the end of the cycle, she agreed (but wouldn’t be comfortable giving the 2nd dose).
She showed me a little printout (I presume from a pharmacist internal forum), which noted that if given between 18-49 yrs, that it’s not an emergency, but to not give a 2nd dose. Also reading the monograph, it did appear the younger of the studied age groups did notably have more side effects. Both pharmacists said that I could feel flu like symptoms for 3-4 days, and that the 2nd dose is worse for people. So there are a couple of studied and anecdotal evidence that things are kind-of backwards with this vaccine.
I can attest to feeling crummy after 24 hrs (also had the flu shot, but they have never made me feel like this). I managed to get out for a little bike ride today, but definitely not my usual self. I had thought about getting one Shinrix before biologics, and 1 after, but at this rate, if they’ll let me I may get dose 2 prior.
Also not covered at all either by 3rd party or provincial co-pay.... but hopefully worth it!