I would also be cautious, since the immune system is compromised. Put your doctor on the spot... ask for a professional opinion. The problem as I see it (but I'm no doctor) is that... the flu shot is 4 vaccines in one... Hep shots (up here at least) are two in one, so in fact you are looking at 6 different 'live' viruses (weakened, but still living viruses...er, virii???). Neither myself nor any of my children had any issues with shots above/beyond the typical run of the mill. And my doctors (GI & GP) recommended that I get my flu shots despite my Crohns... (keep in mind that LDN keeps my immune system normal)... so, I have no first hand bad experiences to relate as a cautionary tale, least as far as humans go. I do have one regarding a family pet. Years ago, I had to travel out of country on business. My parents (500 km away) were glad to have my kids stay with them while I was away... but our family dog... 'their' dog didn't accept interlopers. So, my only option was to kennel. Local kennels would only accept if all shots were up to date. Dog needed last round of shots... a three part, one shot, 'live' virus cocktail. Really simple. Right? Wrong. Week after shot, our dog developed AIHA (since renamed).
Stands for Acquired Immuno Hemolytic Anemia (Doggy equivalent of HIV without the sex)
My online research pointed a finger directly at the shots... vet reluctantly admitted to it. Incurable, usually. Vet volunteered to do anything/everything to save our dog. That involved massive doses of steroids (any of this sound familiar).. . Surprise, it worked... BUT... steroids so crippled the dog that she was in constant pain and suffering. So, the hard choice was made. 'Live' virus shots have been used millions of times safely, but is it risk free? I really don't know... A good doctor should. So, that would be your safe bet. Get an opinion, get the hard facts, or at least the stats. Then make the call.