Vedolizumab question please :)

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Nov 24, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Hi all

Yesterday I saw my GI and the results show that I still active Crohns despite being on the 6mp/ allopurinol combo for 4 months. My GI is recommending I start on a trial of Vedolizumab. Just wondering if anyone has been on this drug and if this drug has helped bring remission?

I've read it works well for UC but not to well for Crohns

Thanks in advance
I have no experience with vedolizumab, but have heard that it's very promising. Have you ever tried Cimzia, Stelara, or methotrexate? If you are hesitant to try vedolizumab, those may be some options for you. Good luck!
Hi Essieluv

Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately Stelara and Cimzia aren't yet available in Australia. I'm only able to get on Vedolizumab because of a trial. The only readily available drug that I haven't tried yet is methotrexate because I've read some pretty scary stuff about its side effects.

If Vedolizumab doesn't work I'll have no choice but to try the methotrexate.

Thanx again
Thanks for your reply thunderfromdownunder

I'm sorry to hear that you were taken off the drug after it worked so well for you. I'm not sure what state you live in but here in Melbourne there are some new trials through the Alfred hospital starting soon that might be of interest to you. There's apparently a injectable Vedolizumab versus infusion trial starting in a few months, maybe you can go on that trial given that it's a completely different form of delivery.