Not sure what is going on with myself,, but I started having pain real low in the pelvic area and I have never had this before. I have crohns disease as well and I have not had any flareups of any kind from the crohns and have been doing just fine until about 5 days ago. The pain feels like a fullness and it doesn't radiate to any other part of my stomach. It stays in the lower section right dead in the middle about 7-8 inches below my belly button. I have read numerous articles about what it could be and there are so many different things it could be that I am very confused. My question is has anybody dealt with this kind of pain and if so, what was causing it. I don't have insurance,and can't go to the doctor, so that leaves me stuck wondering if this is something serious or not. I do not have any vomiting and I don't feel sick to my stomach. When I press on the area, it feels like I am going to pee on myself, but I don't. I get sort of a full feeling after eating and then it goes away within about 30 minutes. Just a dull pain.