Thanks for tagging me Dustykat.
The first thing we need to do here is establish the unit of measurement. For vitamin B12, here in the USA we utilize pg/mL and most other places utilize the SI measurement which is pmol/L. Catherine, based upon being in Australia and that range, I'm sure your readings are in pmol/L. Do you have a coin Catherine? If so, flip it. Heads and you're deficient in vitamin B12, tails you're not. I say that because
as this paper showcases, a level of 258 pmol/L (349 pg/mL) gives you a 50% chance of being deficient in vitamin B12. Very simply, the current range for B12 is absolutely terrible. Taking it a step further, those studies were done in people who did not have Crohn's disease. I suspect that the chances of actually being deficient with such numbers are much higher in Crohnies (I realize you're undiagnosed Catherine).
What do we do in this situation?
1. If I was a doctor, I would be testing your [wiki]methylmalonic acid[/wiki] level. It is a MUCH better indicator of deficiency than the serum B12 test. Good luck getting a doctor to do this though.
2. Obviously we need to supplement. How much? If our roles were reversed, I would take 1000mcg orally per day. In just one month, I would get tested again. If you absorb B12 properly, in just that month your B12 levels should increase a lot. Like jump to 400-700 pmol/L. If your level stays in the ~200 pmol/L range, that tells us something is wrong. Not only is it a clue about what may be wrong with you, but it also tells you that you need to have injections. With that data and the paper I linked to as evidence, most doctors would likely agree.
3. If Sarah is taking daily B12 tablets and has those numbers you just posted, something is very wrong and she needs on injections pronto.
4. Based upon my research, everyone should strive to get their level above 369 pmol/L (500 pg/ml) and if I had Crohn's, I would PERSONALLY get mine above 516 pmol/L (700 pg/mL) but as Dustykat says, I'm a little wacky about B12 (and nutrients in general) so take that as you will.