I know this is an old thread but I'm really confused by my son's vitamin D result and would love to hear any thoughts you may have.
A little background: Liam aged 10 is currently undiagnosed. His Pediatric GI says he definitely has a nutrient absorption problem but as yet we’ve not sorted out cause. We are part way through a fairly complete set of scans. (Barium Follow Through X Ray & Colonoscopy done, Upper Endoscopy, MRI & Pill Cam planned).
Liam’s 25-OH Vitamin D is 27.7 ng/ml
I’ve checked his current supplements at present only he's only getting about 400 IU Vitamin D per day from these.
But Liam is a sporty/outdoorsy little boy and we live in Dubai where we avg 8 hrs bright sunlight a day in mid Winter and 11 hrs bright sunlight a day in Summer.
I’ve added up his outdoor time, walking to and from school, recess, lunchbreaks, sport classes, football sessions and it averages about 2 hours day. He wears a cap about half the time but lives in shorts & t-shirts all year around. School doesn’t take the sun smart message seriously so he doesn’t see sunscreen as often as he should and he’s browner than I’m happy with. He is fair skinned with fair hair and blue eyes.
Liam’s Pediatric GI is from Vancouver in Canada (not sure how long he has been in Dubai), and doesn't seem to have an issue with Liam’s Vitamin D level in fact he told me he thinks it’s TOO HIGH for Crohn's to be a likely cause of Liam’s issues.
But I dont understand how an outdoorsy child living in this climate can have a vitamin D level that low.