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Mar 22, 2014
Pawleys Island, SC
My eight year old daughter, Emily, has had three Remicade infusions. She appears to be responding well. She is active, energetic, having normal bowel movements. However, she seems to be vomiting every 7-10 days. She says that her tummy feels "liquidly" and vomits later. She usually wakes the next day feeling better.

I was just wondering if any of your children has had this experience? Any suggestions?

Have you brought this up to her GI? I am trying to relate to her saying that her stomach feels "liquidy" but I don't quite understand what she means. When i get acid reflux I guess that could be how I describe the sensation in my stomach, and I have regurgitated acid and bile in the past if it got bad enough. But in all honesty, I am not really sure. Do you know if she has a problem with indigestion or acid reflux?
I am glad she is feeling well otherwise :)
Could Liquidly mean gurgly maybe? Have you kept a food diary to see if it happens to be the same food... or same type of food she may be eating before she has the feeling?
DS would do this prior to dx and then until he was under control.
I think it was after his 4 or 5th infusion of remicade.
Definitely call the Gi in the am
J (didn't mean to call you Emily :)) - Claire would periodically vomit - with no warning, and no nausea until her disease was under control. It would freak her Dad and I out because she'd vomit, I'd clean it up and she'd finish dinner. Eek! It was just the disease.

Not sure on the gurgly??? Any pattern with what she's throwing up at all? For us, anything with tomato sauce (I'm sure it was the acid) was not her friend. She didn't throw it up every time and she did throw up other things but she had an affinity for tomato based products.

Have you brought this up to her GI? I am trying to relate to her saying that her stomach feels "liquidy" but I don't quite understand what she means. When i get acid reflux I guess that could be how I describe the sensation in my stomach, and I have regurgitated acid and bile in the past if it got bad enough. But in all honesty, I am not really sure. Do you know if she has a problem with indigestion or acid reflux?
I am glad she is feeling well otherwise :)

I to am trying to understand her description "liquidy?" I'm wondering if it is acid reflux, indigestion? I'm going to contact her GI. We go for her fourth infusion Aug 8, along with a colonoscopy.

Thanks for your input.
It may just take a bit longer -- I remember that my daughter got significantly better after the 2nd infusion but didn't really feel good until the 4th or maybe even the 5th.
My daughter had acid reflux problems and it's taken Prevacid twice a day + pepcid twice a day to get her better.
Sending hugs:hug:
My D had vomiting as a significant symptom and would vomit daily for her 6 months of diagnosis. Slowly it dissipated and prevacid has made a huge difference. Tums, gavascon did nothing. Modifying when she eats and what she eats has helped (nothing with any acid until after 3, bread/crackers/toast as soon as up). Without prevacid she would be back to vomiting for sure.