There's a lot of contradictory info out there from sources with widely varying levels of authority.
There sure are, and i get stuff wrong alot too, so never be afraid to check with people/books etc.
There are so many good sites but "pecan bread", "the paleo mom","perfect health diet" and "SCD lifestyle" stand out as a good start.
I don't entirely understand why wheat, legumes, fructose, and fiber are described as toxic in the site you linked; toxic (to me) means poisonous, and there are billions of people eating those foods without any difficulties. Is it fair to call that toxic?
The article i linked to was the third in a series of 4, the second[1] was about toxicity, and is well referenced.
I don't want to get into that debate here (i've got into it hundreds of times, and it comes down to who you want to believe)
The thing about diets to treat IBD (or almost anything) is that they change lots of factors, get a good result and then say that it was because of A,B or C when nobody knows what it was for sure.
I like this[2] article's take on that belief system and food connection. It also lays out quite well how much our diets have changed recently as well as since the paleolithic.
They all work on theories that haven't been disproved, but that's not the same as being proved. (don't hold your breath, gravity and evolution are still just theories)
I have no problem with the theory that some foods are 'toxic' because i'm at the stage where i can eat them and get sick
If you give up gluten and feel better then you don't need proof from someone else.
There are billions eating these new[3] foods and there has been an explosion of disease since then. This is not proof but it is a theory that you might want to take seriously
Fecal transplants are definitely also on my radar; they seem very promising (from the small and mostly anecdotal amount I've read).
Like i said, look at them once you are on a healing (diet) path - that's only my opinion
[1] Bowel Disease, Part II: Healing the Gut By Eliminating Food Toxins
[2] Raw Vegan, Blood Type O and the Paleo Diet – what do they have in common?
[3] I call them new because they are not like they were not so long ago.
For example - synthetic chemicals, flavours, antioxidants, sweeteners, colours, preservatives
But you can do your own research and come to your own conclusions