VSL #3 Side Effects?

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Dec 23, 2013
Has anyone noticed a change in their child's stool after going on VSL #3? We started almost 4 weeks ago and we are having looser stools now. I noticed on the label that it has live lactic acid bacteria and wondering since my daughter is lactose-intolerant if this is causing the problem? I am not sure this is worth bothering the doctor about yet.
Vsl#3 does have lactose in it.
The website says to use with caution in kids with lactose intolerance
That said I would call your Gi
It takes a month to build up so you may be seeing the probiotic build up
My daughter had bloating and nausea with VSL #3. She is also lactose intolerant. I had no idea it had Lactose in it! We just didn't think it agreed with her so we switched to a different probiotic.
Culturelle. They have a version for kids but M is 18 so we are using the regular adult version for her. I just checked and it does not contain lactose. I think it helps her but she insists it makes no difference (but does take it without a fight so who knows - teenagers!).