Waiting on colonoscopy and results

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Oct 11, 2012
Right, I'm not sure where to start. I am 23, and currently suffer with random bout of random attacks, of various symptoms. Here are the types of attacks I have had. It originally started with stomach pain a night mainly when I am sleep and cause me to wake up, feel like I swallowed a knife; best description I can give. This went on for some time, massive gaps between attacks. The one morning I woke up in pain around the lower abdomen/ bladder area had a BM and started peeing blood, which continue until all the blood left the system. I was checked for stones ect and nothing. I do have random bouts of diarrhea, now and again anyway back to the symptoms. I then still had the attacks for probs over 2-3years, the recently I had an attack during the day which lasted nearly 2 hours, I then passed blood again second time, so went to the doc, got check for stones ect again, and had a cyctoscope and nothing besides I have abonormal amount of muscle around the bladder, which caused probs none related, anyway they found my bowel was resting on the bladder, so have been referred to a gastro. In between me seeing the gastro, I woke up extremely dizzy and had diarrhea; I would said this might have been a bug, but I have had the same dizziness before in the middle of the night without diarrhea. So now I am being test for Crohn's and othe Ibd, my aunt has crohns, but I was told to far removemed by the doc but the gastro seemed interested in that, my blood came back norm, but have had more blood taken. I'm am not really sure what to take from this, is there a possibility of corhns or any other ibd, also the what to check for celiac as well. Have people had similar issues, and what are your thoughts, I would just like a heads up. Thanks.
Hello and welcome to the forum.

There is potential for you to have crohn's given you symptoms, you have mentioned a colonoscopy so is this a test that you have coming up? Whilst not pleasant this can be god at showing what is going on inside. Also have you ever changed anything with you diet and if so have you noticed any improvement? We do also have an undiganosed forum that is definetly worth checking out as well: http://www.crohnsforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=75.

Please keep us updated on how you are getting on.


Colonoscopy I feel is the way to go. Best way for GI to really see what is going on with you.

They had a very hard time diagnosing me as well. Took a long time too long!

Good luck. Also you may want to stay on a liquid diet or low residue diet. That seems to work for me when symptoms are bad.
First thanks for the replies back. I follow an intermittent fasting protocol, but when I had the attack about 5 week or so back, I had not eaten for about 18hrs, it seemed not to matter weather, I have eaten or not still same pain. I know its weird, because my aunt who has crohns has to watch what she eats. So I really not sure what to do, or not.
The bleeding you describe when you pee is a bit concerning. I am guessing they ruled out UTI? Do you ever have bladder pain? it seems like whatever you have going on may be in your urinary tract. I would ask them to investigate more in that area for sure. If you have bladder pain or urinary urgency/frequency, then you may want to look into being checked for interstitial cystitis which caused bleeding from the bladder. Hope you get some help and answers soon....
The bleeding you describe when you pee is a bit concerning. I am guessing they ruled out UTI? Do you ever have bladder pain? it seems like whatever you have going on may be in your urinary tract. I would ask them to investigate more in that area for sure. If you have bladder pain or urinary urgency/frequency, then you may want to look into being checked for interstitial cystitis which caused bleeding from the bladder. Hope you get some help and answers soon....

Nope that check for uti 3 years ago and recently, it was the urolgist that referred me to the g.i doc. I have a cyst on the prostate but that apparently was not causing the issue, so I understand. Everything in the ui trac is fine kidneys to bladder, apart from slight prostate issue, which was believed not to cause the stomach cramps.

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